Navarre Beach World Postcard Day Meetup, Florida, United States, October 1, 2023

So happy to have attended my first meet up! you are all amazing thanks for organizing this!


Thanks!!! I found it!!!

I’m so upset with myself. I forgot to put the Navarre meetup on my calendar. So many things have occupied my mind the last few months that I didn’t have a chance to even think about Postcrossing. I’m really sorry I missed the meetup. I hope you had a good turnout and lots of fun. I love the postcards you created for the event! Very nice! Terry

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Terry - Sorry you missed it! I’ll do another next year - probably in Sept like last year. Do you want me to send you a meetup card? I don’t have any with the signatures. Or, I can send you a few blank ones in an envelope, if you like.


@GypsyMoon I’m so sorry I forgot to respond to you earlier! I don’t have any signed meetup cards, but I’d be happy to send you some blank ones, if you like. Just pm me your address.


It is so thoughtful of you to offer to send me a blank meetup card. I would love one! Thanks so much!

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