NA Alphabet Group Round Robin 🔤

@scoutingbear - Cute Chapel in California, thank you! It is fu to see a variety of places like these. The detail that’s put into the stain glass windows are beautiful.


@ellistrations sent a collective collage of cats. I love it!

@scoutingbear sent a colorful pride card full of cute images. I need to find a shop like this.

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And I got a card for Group B-25 from @Allayne22 with botanical illustration for “Le Bananier” or bananas to you and me! She added so many B examples to the back - Bravo Tristen!! :banana:

Group E-25 closed and I’ll send the addresses soon! Exciting, eh?


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C-25 @scoutingbear China Town at night yes they are filled with oriental foods. I used to go to China town with my mother in NYC the place changed so much I heard. I always dream to visit China and eat some real authentic Chinese foods. Thank you as well for the Christmas greetings card.


@ellistrations - ART, by Braque, and an ARKANSAS stamp. Thank you! Don’t stew over what to write. I’d love to hear more about your everyday life.


@Allayne22 - BUTTERCUPS from the Art of Instruction box, with stickers of a B, BRITISH pony, BASHKIR pony, BIRD, BICYCLE, BEAR, BANANA, and BONE. Stamps were a BIRD and a BUTTERFLY. Thank you.

My holiday cards were mailed today.

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@MichelleW sent an ugly eel card. It’s so ugly it’s cute. :laughing:. A lot of animals can blow raspberries I’ve learned. But the question really is… have you blown a raspberry on a Sphynx? Its beyond entertaining. :rofl:

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Thanks for the updates, everyone! ABC

C-25 @crochetjessica Clocks Clocks in a Waldo card I am yet to find the items. Thank you.

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Special Holiday Cards RR

From @ellistrations A lovely 1942 Disney Christmas card. Victory through Air Power!!! I loved it. Thanks Barbara.

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@hootnoodle - ALLIGATOR, thank you! Never heard of Ransom Notes. Yes, I love board and table top games! Though we hardly have the people to play. In high school we would throw game nights and that’s all we did for hours every other weekend for a while.

I received my first Holiday Card from @ellistrations and it is most likely to be the most unique card I will receive - Santa racing one of the reindeers (Vixen?) at the South Pole Derby maybe ?? Love it, Barbara! :christmas_tree:



@hootnoodle sent a cat card with an airplane on it. I love it!

@scoutingbear sent a Danish town card - Solvang. I’ve wanted to go there but never do.
@ellistrations sent a Dracula card with a matching stamp! I love it. My Moms bf wanted it, as that’s his favorite all time movie as long as its Bela Lugosi.

@scoutingbear sent unusual underwater reptiles. I love this card! They’ve found extinct fish a couple of times - they just evolved to live farther down. Maybe that’s what happened with these. I long stretch but yep, it’s a hope.

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@sleepyhippo1 sends a Disney card of the lion king
@ellistrations sends Donald Duck and Disney

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@crochetjessica - ACTION comics, thank you! My collection of cards to send seems to be growing every day without buying more… not sure how that works out.

@crochetjessica - CENTAURS, thank you! I have always wished these existed. One of my favorite fantasy novels is about centaurs.

@dnrhott - CARS, thank you! Also CAT and CANDY stickers.

@sleepyhippo1 - DACHSHUND, thank you! This dog really does look like a wise old man, haha! Sounds like you had a nice drive. Yes, it’s December and I’m still wrapping that around my head.

Holiday Cards
@jocrafts - Merry Christmas mistletoe, thank you! I hope you’re able to find a place for your tree, it’s not really Christmas without one.


Thanks for the updates! ABC


@MichelleW - a lovely painting of a peace crane. Thank you. That’s the only origami figure I know how to fold.

Holiday Group
@MichelleW - lady hugging her tree, thank you! I’m so excited the holidays are here and it’s more real when I see more and more cards. :two_hearts:

I sent my Holiday group postcards!

I’ve also received two for the group this week! Thank you @ellistrations for the epic Mickey Santa Clause!! We have watched “Noelle”! I just love Anna Kendrick in everything she does!
Thank you to our wonderful host @MichelleW for the super adorable penguin postcard!! Both of you had the most excellent stickers and decorations, extra thanks!!

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Join F-25 please

Hello, everyone!

I received 3 cards for this RR!

Group B-25 - @sleepyhippo1 sent a big, beautiful brown bear! They are such handsome beasts! Thank you, Marcella! :bear:

Holiday Group -

@jocrafts sent a snowflakey Merry Christmas! I think someone else mentioned it, but you can find small artificial trees that you can put on top of tables or tuck into a corner. With your creativity, I’d think you could whip out an ornament-filled wreath, which is what my sister-in-law has. Wreaths are things I can actually make and be proud of! Just being with family is really all the spirit you need - but the rest is the icing. :christmas_tree:

@hootnoodle sent one of my favorite New Yorker covers that I call “the Santa Subway.” Your holiday plans sound great - will your kids be there, too? We also have family members we won’t be seeing, which is pretty hard on my SIL. Thanks, Mary - I love the New Yorker covers!

Thanks to all! ABC

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