Moose meetup in Ed, Saturday, June 29th, 2024

Jeg bestiller 10 ekstra kort

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Herlig, notert :blush:

I’m thinking of joining. In that case, I will have 15 cards.


Awesome :grinning: You definitely should! :grinning: I’ll put you down for 15!

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I don’t manage the list :wink:, but I’ll ask @LeishaCamden to remove you from it. Hope to see you some other time!

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250 meetup cards ordered today.


Meetup cards arrived today. Sooo pleased with the result. Thank you @KAS for the job you did.


That was fast :grinning: Glad they turned out nice!

Been to Strömstad today and bought Swedish stamps, so I’m ready to go😊 Sign me up😊


I am booking eight tickets for the moose feeding at 11.00 on 29th. If anyone doesn’t want to attend the moose feeding, please let me know as soon as possible.


Skr 170,- per ticket

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Med mindre @signhild vil ha noen møtekort, kan jeg ta de siste ledige kortene (altså 20 kort til).

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Ikke hørt noe fra henne, så antar hun ikke kommer. Notert de siste 20 til deg. :blush:

All meetup cards are now taken, there are no more cards available.

@arcticgirl64 What did you pay for the total order incl shipping? Price per card is total price divided by our total order of 250 cards.

598,- skr inkl porto

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This post is now updated with payment due for your cards. The cards came to 2.4 SEK per card.

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I am bringing some meeting cards for trade. I would be interested in cards other then meeting cards as well.

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Postcards I ordered to the local store, Karlssons, have arrived. 5 cards for Skr 40,- We will be postcard shopping after the moose feeding and signing cards at the moose park.

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I have booked table at the local restaurant Lokal Idiot, Friday at 17.00. This is the menue


I love the name of that restaurant :smile:

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