@reach4thestars thanks for the Little Canada postcard. I would totally enjoy the displays!!

Have a great long weekend. Im off to Morris MB for a horsey thing!! Crystal.


Good morning Canadian RR… I have mailed all of my postcards out over the last few days… except for one… I will mail that one out today…:partying_face:

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@Stinkypaw please sign me up for June RR… wow these months are flying by!!!

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I’ll joing for June @Stinkypaw :smiley:

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Hello! I received a few :slightly_smiling_face:

@JasonDavid The mention of Owen Sound brought me back in time to camping trips at some of the Ontario Parks in the area

@moneill We’ll probably stay local this summer and head over to one of the islands. We were thinking of heading down to Seattle to watch the Blue Jays play but noticed our sons passport is expired (mom fail)

@reach4thestars Hopefully recovery wasn’t too bad. As for soups, I’ve been into hot pot lately (probably because of the rain) and want to try all the broth flavours haha

I also received from surprise card from @cpaige

Thank you everyone!

@Stinkypaw I’m in for June :grinning:


@Stinkypaw Please sign me up for June :grinning:

I’ve received a fun selection of cards already in May:

@JasonDavid Thank you so much for the Prairies harvesting card and for the lily pond card. Both themes are spot-on! We’ve been enjoying watching Clarkson’s farm, and I’m reading and researching to learn how to take care of our pond. So far I’ve mainly taken photos of various ducks and raked some muck. Love the stamps you used!

@postcrossingMel Thank you for the ExploreBC card! I’ve been to BC exactly once, for a weekend. Stanley park was lovely. I plan to do a cross-Canada trip in retirement. Love the foundation stamp!

@farmgirll Thank you for the Graceland card and eclipse stamp. I REALLY want to visit Graceland :sunglasses: We’re supposed to have good weather for the long weekend - I hope you do, too!

@garvey Thank you for the gorgeous Georgia O’Keefe card and Wildflowers stamps! I’ve spotted what could be irises in my garden, I need to wait to see what blooms. So far, mainly daffodils :blush:

@helloleah27 Thank you for the cookbook card and foundation stamp. I’ve had that Mollie Katzen Moosewood Cookbook and her Enchanted Broccoli Garden book forever! An entire cookbook on Smoke & Pickles? I don’t have that one, lol :sweat_smile:

@reach4thestars Thank you for the beautiful butterfly card and carousel horse stamp! I love how you decorated the back, too! I hope you had fun rock climbing. I used to go a lot, but it’s been a while :blush:

@moneill Thank you for the elegant vintage card of Ottawa and vintage stamps. I love cards from the golden age of postcards! We’ve had a couple of Canada geese land on our pond. They’re fun to watch. I hope you had fun at the embroidery conference! :smiley:


From @garvey a cowboy-themed poster card of Yellowstone National Park, thanks a lot, Alexander! Have a great weekend, the weather is cooperating!


3 great cards arrived this week

An Explore BC card from @postcrossingMel
It’s great fun finding postcards while thrifting! We’re lucky to have so many interesting places to see within Canada. The new community foundation stamp is so cute! Thanks Mel!

Very pretty cherry blossoms card from @reach4thestars Sounds like you and your friend had an awesome time! Thanks Stiles!

The Worlds Highest Hydraulic Lift Lock from @garvey
This unlocked a memory for me as I’m sure i’ve been there! I went on a class trip to Toronto in grade 10 and one day was a day trip to, what I now think was Petersborough. A bunch of 15 year olds, we were so bored by this portion of the trip. I’d forgotten that I was ever there. The next day was Much Music, definetly the most popular day of the trip. Thanks Alexander!



Hi Karen @ykarenes thank you for the adorable postcard… so cute… I love all the little kitty cats…Farmers Markets are so fun… I especially love looking at all of the crafty things…
We have a Farmers Market where I live in St. Albert and it is apparently the largest fully outdoor market in Canada, with 275 vendors and can have between 15000-25000 people every Saturday…(I looked that up) and I live less that 5 minutes from it… surprisingly I haven’t gone in a few years… I should go this year… I hope you found some fun things at yours… take care.

Hi Stiles @reach4thestars thank you for the handmade postcard… I love it… so original!! And I love all the little drawings. Omgosh and I absolutely love the sparkly turtle tape!! I need to look for that one… I do like musicals too…I have not see Les Miserables… although I hear it’s amazing… my two favorite are Mamma Mia and The Greatest Showman… and funny thing about me… I don’t watch tv… not for years… but I do watch Bobs Burgers on repeat on my iPad and I love a true crime podcast. Which is your favorite musical? Keep up with the homemade cards!! They are great!!


Hi Alexander @garvey thank you for the quote postcard…I think the postcard is fairly accurate… for most people… maybe not 100% of the time…but sometimes…

I hope you are doing well and planning some more fun holidays… take care.

Hi Mel @postcrossingMel thank you for the #Explore BC postcard… I love these ones… I collected a few of them while I’m vacation too… but I haven’t seen this one of Victoria. I’ve been in the ferry a few times too… with my mom and then a few times with my daughters and it is always such a nice experience…especially at different times of the day… hope you are doing well… take care.

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Hello Meghan! @moneill thank you so much for the super cool postcard! Super cute book stickers too! I’m the opposite, I usually read more in the summer haha! I especially love reading outside in the sun, so relaxing! I’ve been in a bit of a reading slump recently, but I’m on the home stretch of school so once I’m finished for the year I’m definitely going to do some reading!

Hi Alexander! @garvey thank you for the awesome vintage Yonge and Dundas card! So crazy that’s what it used to look like. I love looking at the old cars, 50’s cars are some of my fav! Really cool some of the buildings are still there, wow!

Hi Mel! @postcrossingMel thanks very much for the gorgeous #ExploreBC postcard! What a beautiful photo! And the decorating is so pretty ahhh! Love the washi! Daisies are my fav flower so I was super excited to see them on the tape! My Mom and I (she introduced me to Postcrossing haha!) always are on the hunt for postcards when we hit up the thrift, it’s such an exciting surprise to find them! Your postcard really makes me want to get out an explore!

Thank you everyone! All the best!


@garvey thanks for the nice card… a mail office is in the background of some sorts. I will have to google the photo.

Yes i noticed high speeds on our road trip too.
Its scary! Things can go south pretty quick at those speeds.
Thanks. Enjoy May!! Crystal

@helloleah27 thanks for the Gone with the Wind card. Took me a minute to find the horse ha ha with that romantic hold Clark has on his gal!!

Have you seen season 3 of Bridgeton? I enjoyed the series.
The flowers are starting to bloom. : ) :heart:
Take care Crystal


Card received today from @helloleah27

Love the roadtrip theme! Thank you


Hello! I’d be happy to join for June.

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Hi Jason @JasonDavid i love the prairies postcard… yep that is pretty much what it looks like 15 minutes out of the city… I of course love all of the fun different stamps and the mental health stick is a fun different one… always with a good message too!! I can imagine that would have been a hard day, auction sale for that machinery… I sometimes think it’s amazing the things we can get through… I was so shocked going to the post office the other day to take some postcrossing postcards that were international… only to find out that the cost of stamps had gone up and is over $3… with tax!! Then because I didn’t have enough postage they put this big sticker with the extra postage right over the top of all of my writing. what a bummer!! Hope you are having a great Spring too🤗

Hi Crystal @farmgirll i love the Nashville card!! So fun… hope I get to go there some day…I agree I love looking for postcards when I go away or go to a stationary shop for this RR group… as for Brigerton…3rd season?? I haven’t watched the first!! Should I?? I guess I should try it… I did watch a good movie the other day… which is rare for me… I don’t usually watch movies… especially on Netflix… because I never like the ending!!! But I watched… “the thought of you” with Anne Hathaway… it was a cute feel good movie with an awesome ending!! Of course I cried!! Lol!
Take care my friend and enjoy the flowers… say hi to Calvin and Coolio!!
Ps the movie I watched was on Prime


Hi Meghan @moneill love these outhouse postcards…Everytime I get one I’m so excited!! I know it is amazing … all of the different themes of postcards… seems like something for everyone…but I haven’t come across anyone who likes an outhouse themed one… but wow there must be because they are out there!! The girls want me to frame this one for my “outhouse wall”… and I think I just might… not really sure about summer plans this year except always go a week with my girls to Vancouver and Washington in July… and then camping for a week in august…but a newly renovated bathroom is fun too!! Take care :blush:


Hi Cory @cpaige thank you for the Utena postcard… wow you went far away for a trip!! That must have been so nice…and Ireland too wow!! Do you have family there too?? I love the different stamps they have… and what a good idea sending it from there… Are you back now? I hope you and your family had a great safe trip!! Take care.

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Loaded up with cards! Good for the next 3 months RR. Expect Lt, LT and IE. Interesting mail box, must be at least 100 yrs in use! Old part of town Cork IE. Home shortly, last card mailing of about 30-35 sent!


Received: San Francisco travel poster from @helloleah27 - thank you! We don’t have plans for camping; but we started hiking season :slight_smile:

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Please count me in for June RR
Alexander aka Garvey

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