Hello! Mailed out my May postcards earlier today :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you so much Karen @ykarenes for the adorable honey Titina and friends postcard!! This is my first Titina and friends I’ve gotten card and I love it so much! Sooo cute! So cool your good friend is a beekeeper! I remember trying different honey flavours at a farmers market when I was younger, pink lemonade was always my favourite haha!

Thank you Crystal @farmgirll for the awesome Tennessee postcard!! So cool, I absolutely love all the different pictures! I’ve never visited Tennessee before but I would definitely like you. It’s was raining a lot last month but it’s been a really sunny May so far, so exciting!

Thanks so much Jason @JasonDavid for the beautiful Prairies postcard! I love it! The stamps and stickers are so fantastic too! Thanks for telling me about the auction, I can imagine the bittersweetness of it. I hope you’ve been having a wonderful May so far! All the best

Thank you everyone!


From @ykarenes, plant drawings done by Ebenezer Sibley in 1790! Today I returned from work to the lovely surprise that a kind neighbour had whipped my front flowerbed into tiptop shape! Thanks for the neat card, Karen!

From @moneill the summer house of FD Roosevelt on Campobello Island, NB - yet another 1970s 8-cent pre-stamped card for my collection, I cannot believe how many I’ve accumulated! My collection of Canadian 1970s 8-cent pre-stamped cards | Flickr
Meghan, I hope your dad loved the streetcar evening, what a great idea! Thanks for the great card (and love the cormorant stamp!)


The May cards have begun arriving!

Hello Karen @ykarenes ! Great card, thank you. I had to look up both fragaria ( wild strawberry) and haskaps. Apparently haskap berries are also popular in Japan. We did a lot of saskatoon berry picking when I was a kid, but I haven’t done that in years.

Cool Memphis card from @farmgirll
Sounds like your first horse camp was a success! I’ve only been on a horse twice in my life. I’m not exactly afraid of them… just nervous of their size and power lol. Thanks for the card Crystal!


You caught that date did you. I was pre-planning !! Im not always on the ball so to speak. : )

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Happy Mothers day!! I came home to flowers and cupcakes. Yummy. Eat cake …ur harder to kidnap!!

Thanks for this great farming card. I dont often get one like this sonits a real treat!!
Farm auctions are bitter sweet. I hope it all went well. The end of a era!! Now for the next chapter. Enjoy. 500 more acres to go here!! Canola is up!!

@ykarenes thanks for the fun card .I was at the hutteriet colony plant shopping for the wedding pots and have to go back with the truck to get all the pots!!! This truck would have been handy!!


All my May cards are sent.
At my return home from the trip I’ve found five cards in the box:

Bloor Street Bridge in Toronto painting from @reach4thestars - thank you

Beautiful tiger card from @moneill - thanks a lot!
I don’t have plans for travelling in the Summer; but I just got back from the trip to Yellowstone :slight_smile:

Elvis Presley card from @farmgirll - thank you!
Did you see the eclipse? And Aurora borealis last weekend?

The Prairies card with great stamps from @JasonDavid - thank you!

Unusual Japanese plant card from @ykarenes, thanks.
I can’t guarantee that I don’t have any invasive plants, but I sowed some pollinator plants and local herbs on my front yard. I hope that they will grow.


From @reach4thestars a great card of the 1912 U of Toronto women’s hockey team! Very timely given the ongoing inaugural PWHL playoffs - hopefully Toronto has more success than their male counterparts! Thanks a lot, Stiles!


Hello Jason @JasonDavid ! Thanks for the harvest card & the cool bonus accordian card!
I can imagine the weekend must have held mixed emotions. To good memories :beer:


@garvey country life and flat lands lead to great Northern lights if you stay up!! They where putting on a show the other night!!
It was cloudy for the eclipse but i had my pin hole ceral box ready haha. : )

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Happppppy Birthday :birthday:
Thanks for the cute bunny card. How did the hampster petting go.
It was hilarious the others morning i opened FB and whats the first thing I see my grand daughter on FB ! She was in her yard and people thought she was lost !! She free roams the house and goes in and out her pet door!!! She actually was sneaking out to th3 neighbors :joy:

Have a great birthday!

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Hello! I received 2

@ykarenes I too would love to have beehives! Unfortunately we also live in a high rise that is south/west facing so plants don’t last long on our balcony haha
Lucky for us there’s an apiary not too far from us just down the river where we can watch the bees :slightly_smiling_face: thank you!

@farmgirll travelling is such a great excuse to buy new postcards! My kids like to point them out whenever they see a rack haha
Good luck with your reno and I just looked into the music garden, love the fact the roses are music/musician related. Thank you!


From @postcrossingMel, the Haida Gwaii card from the #ExploreBC series - beautiful, thanks Mel! I too would like to see much more of BC (just need time and money!) - such a large and diverse province. Happy spring to you.


Hamster! Guinea Pigs! Rabbits! Oh my! We spent almost 2 hours at the Pet store. Thanks for the birthday wishes!

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I’ve received “Explore BC” card from @postcrossingMel - thank you.


:wave: JUNE is now open for sign up! :wave:

Greetings from Latvia you can add me to the June RR


Pls sign me up!!

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Are you missing us Cory?

for the card and id love to hear more
About the 97 year olds journey!! Wow. Glad to hear your having a nice holiday.


Thanks for.the nice BC card. When i go home to Nb i explore the province atleast 1 or 2 days now. As a adult theres so much more to see haha Crystal