Hi John @mezzanine2 thanks so much for the Los Angeles postcard…I haven’t been there in years… I think the last time I went was for my daughters 8th birthday in 2008… that’s so long ago…I could really use a vacation…and yes I love the orange scratch n sniff sticker… oh wow … did that take me back to Junior High when all is my binders were covered in those…buttered popcorn…skunk…gasoline…fruit and candy…and we used to trade them… would drive the teachers nuts…lol!! Take care John.


I’m in for May!

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Hi Jason @JasonDavid Thank you for the #OUTAOUAISFUN postcard…I am also happy to see the Winter weather be finished… we even got some snow last week… and the wind has been full blast too… but I haven’t minded it lately because I am always hot :hot_face:! It’s fun being a lady!!!
Anyway… everyone is good at home right now…so that’s a relief… how about your house… I hope things are good with the kids… and I love the stickers…Mental Health Matters!! Too true!! Take care.
Ps… hope the snow is done for you too☺️

Hi Karen @ykarenes thank you for the Eclipse card… that is a really neat postcard to have since it just happened…that is interesting about the birds and that it got colder… but makes sense…
I hope you and your family are well … take care.


Hi Meghan @moneill thank you for the Beverly Hills postcard and I love the “older” stamps…it seems like years ago they had a lot more selection of different stamps than today. I now have to go look up who ‘Wheezer’ is…
I remember going to Beverly Hills when I was a kid…my parents took us to go to Disneyland… but we had to go to Beverly Hills every second day for my dad to get his kidney dialysis done and they only did it there in the early 80’s, I guess.
I hope you and your family are well too☺️… take care.


Hi Cory @cpaige Thank you for the Whidbey Island postcard

Wow it looks so beautiful… and a matching stamp… how did you get that… looks like would be a great place to camp. The roadrunner sticker is fun too! I didn’t know the U of A sold postcards… would be an interesting postcard to have to send out… I never even thought of it…
Is your son excited for graduation… Carra is just so happy to finally be finished University…
Next month is the start of camping season! Hope you and the family are well… take care.

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Hello @Stinkypaw ! I’m in for May please

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Hi Alexander @garvey … how are you? Thank you for the Versailles postcard. That looks like a beautiful place… hopefully you will get back there in the near future for a vacation. I hope you and your family are well. Take care.

Hi Crystal @farmgirll … how are you? I am loving the outhouse postcard and thank you it’s getting me a nice collection of them! Wow a holiday where you only have to care for you!! Never heard of it lol!! But I bet it was nice and relaxing. Things are good at home…everyone is busy as usual. I also really like all of the old stamps… I swear one day I’m going to go in Etsy and buy some!! Take care :smiling_face:

Hi Stiles @reach4thestars thank you for the postcard… it looks so nice like something that should go in a frame!! And I always love your drawings… with octopus (looks real enough) and the laundry line. You said you are having a lot of rain… could you send some this way to the prairies… it’s like the desert here!! :smiling_face: Take care and I hope you enjoyed your hike with your friend.


Received two beautiful cards (and some souvenirs) from @farmgirll - for February and March RR. Thanks a lot! Especially for the owl - I’ll put it over my desk :slight_smile:


Please sign me in for May RR

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:writing_hand: Addresses for May have been sent, have fun!

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Im glad u liked the owl. He was fun to make!! : )
Have a great month. Crystal

Happy May Peeps! My cards are leaving Edwin today.
Also if anyone happens to be driving by and needs/wants a stop over please never hesitant to ask. We have room.
Cheers Crystal

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Pleasant surprise today, thanks to @cpaige ! Thank you Cory for sharing part of your travel with me, much appreciated! Enjoy your trip, lots to see and throw in the family time, busy weeks ahead! Enjoy and safe travel! See you when you get back!

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My May cards have been sent! :grin:

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My cards are on their way!

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My cards were put in the mailbox yesterday! :email:

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I mailed my May cards Friday, May 3.

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Greetings from Lithuania


Hope your having a fantastic holiday!!! Great photo!

First card is from @farmgirll - Army-era Elvis! Glad you enjoyed Memphis, Crystal - my neighbour felt the same way when he visited. Magically, you wrote the card on May 2, but it is postmarked April 8, lol! :rofl: Many thanks and hope the crops get off to a good start.

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