Misdelivered Postcards

I received a great postcard from Indonesia today, but it wasn’t addressed to me. Somehow, a postcard with an Austin, Texas address ended up in my Alabama mailbox - only off by about 650 miles! The postcard was in excellent condition with the Indonesian postmark barely visible.

I am the only active Postcrosser in my town and apparently the local USPS employees think that every postcard is intended for me! I’ve had four other postcards put in my mail box that were meant for other people in my town, but this is the first time I’ve received a misdirected Postcrossing card.

I’m sending this lost postcard to its rightful recipient tomorrow. I’m putting it in an envelope with a description of what happened.


I received a Postcrossing card sent for a Round Robin addressed to a Texas address, when I live in Connecticut. I dropped it back in the mail and it was redelivered to me a month later. It looks like the bar code sprayed on it belongs to my address. This time I crossed off the barcode with marker and sent it on the way again


This is funny, because it happened to me, too! It was meant for a Postcrosser in Arkansas, but ended up in Massachusetts! In my case it appeared to have stuck to my card because of the washi tape. But still - weird!


Hello everyone :smile:
in Austria we often have also some problems with the mail delivery. Sometimes when you send a postcard or a letter to Australia :australia: our postal service thinks that it go to an Austrian :austria: address but they don’t find the address and send it back to the senders mailbox.
I Heard- also that somebody from the US :us: sent a letter to Australia :australia: but I came two times to the Austrian Post in Vienna and they send it back to the US :us:

In German langue:

Austria = Österreich :austria:
Australia = Australien :australia:
United States = Vereinigte Staaten :us:


Had this too some months ago. Also crossing out the code didn’t work so I put it in an envelope and sent it along.

I regularly get mail for other people: neughbours, companies, other postcrossers, even for people who moved decades ago. Just waiting for the day I get mail for people who have passend away :unamused:.

Sometimes I think my mailman (woman) doesn’t read, just looks for my mailbox and puts in all the mail from her bag 🤷


I learned how to say US in German, thank you! :smiley:

Well, last time I was at the post office with a card addressed to the Netherlands they wanted to send it to Denmark instead :woman_shrugging:

:netherlands: Netherlands = Olanda / Paesi Bassi, in Italian
:denmark: Denmark = Danimarca

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Not from Postcrossing, but I had a postcard intended for me (Indonesia) from Canada get missent to Macau! It was dated April 22, and it finally arrived to me last week.


I once had a postcard from Iran in my mailbox and was super excited - and then super disappointed when I realized it wasn’t for me. :pensive: Usually when the card is for someone in my neighborhood (happens all the time - this way I found out that the tiny dog that lives a few houses down the road is called Nacho, because the vet sent the owner a reminder that it was time for Nacho’s vaccination), but for some reason I wasn’t able to find the address. In these cases I just drop the cards back in the mailbox - no card has ever been delivered to me twice.

I once received a card sent to me in an envelope from within Germany that was originally from Norway. It took me a while to figure out that it must have been misdelivered and sent on. Unfortunately the sender didn’t write their address on the envelope so I couldn’t thank them.


Maybe for that postworker pasta and risotto is also the same.

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A few months ago I got a huge stack of cards with a rubber band around them. The one on top was addressed to a member in Ohio which is about 1000 miles from here in North Carolina. I gave it to my mail carrier and it was sent to the member in Ohio the next day. :smiley:


I once received a postcard from Isle of Man addressed to me, but it came with someone else’s washi tape in the front.

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My cards to Austria I usually add European Union underneath Austria. That helps them stay in AT


I always write the name of the country where I send a postcard to in my own language. I believe it will help to send a postcard from the start to right country. Some country names are close to the same, but some are not at all…


@kraghavendrabhat: For privacy reasons you shouldn’t show your address in the public part of the forum, only via private message. :wink:

If you delete the picture, the edit history will probably still show it - only the admin team can permanently delete replies, so I’ve alerted them. Perhaps it’s also possible to exchange the picture, against one where the address is covered; I’ve never tried this.

Edit: @Bille is right, showing the text another member has written on the card isn’t allowed eather…

It’s not only your address that you shouldn’t show (as @Cassisia already told you), it’s also the whole backside of the card - that is against the guidelines and is accordingly not allowed.
.Postcrossing Community Guidelines


I have always done that as well. Had someone tell me in the 90’s that is how it is supposed to be done.Never had a fail.


Being one of the few people in Jordan that still gets postcards (long before I joined postcrossing), resulted in many cards in my box that did not belong to me. It stared with cards for people who share my last name. Those were easy, I just delivered them by hand next time I saw them. Then I got a couple who were street addresses in the same postal code as my mail box. Again, those I delivered them by hand (loved being a postman for a couple of hours). The two strangest ones I got were a postcard addressed to someone in Jordan that has no connection whatsoever with me (not the same postal code nor same last name). This was a sad card because the sender was backing off wedding plans. I put it in an envelope and sent it again. The second one was really strange. The card was sent from Italy to someone in a small town in Italy. How it got to my mail box, I have no idea! Again, I put this one in an envelope and sent it to the address that was on it. Today, I exchange postcards with Sabot on a regualr base!!.


I have once received an envelope from a person from the US. The envelope contained a card addressed to me sent from CZ. It somehow got delivered to that person in the US who then was kind enough to forward it to me.

Once I have received a card addressed to me that hat a note from someone who wasn’t the sender saying that it was missdelivered to them (a town not too far from me) and they just put it back in the mailbox.

Then I have received many postcards that were not for me. Some were from people living in my street that I just delivered myself. Others were to people from my town but another village that I did not know. I just put them back in the mailbox to get delivered where they belonged to. Then I once received an official postcard and only when I was about to register it I noticed that my name on the card was wrong. So I put it in an envelope and sent it to the person who lived not too far away from me.

During December I pretty much received all Christmas cards that were sent to my neighbors. I guess the postmen don’t even bother anymore to check to whom the postcard is addressed and just put them into my mailbox.

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A strange coincidence? Fate?? FI → KS → OR

I live in Oregon. Today, I received an envelope in the mail from the state of Kansas. Inside the envelope was an official Postcrossing postcard from Finland. It was addressed to me, and the address was clear and correct.

Also in the envelope was a note that reads:

Hi Ashley,
Your card from Finland ended up in my mailbox. So, here ya go. Your card is now at home in Oregon. Happy Postcrossing,
[signed name]

So, presumably what happened was: a Finnish Postcrosser sent a postcard to me in Oregon, and USPS mistakenly delivered it to this person in Kansas, 1400 miles away. This person then kindly forwarded it on to me.

My question is this:
What are the odds that this stray card ended up in the hands of someone who knows what Postcrossing is? The card included “FI-#####” and a message, but it did not mention Postcrossing anywhere on it, so there’s no way that Mr. Kansas would have known what it was for unless he was familiar with Postcrossing, right?

There are 71,443 US Postcrossing members. The population of the US is over 331 million. That’s only a 0.02% chance!

Sorry for the ramble. I just can’t get over the sheer coincidence! If anyone else has a possible explanation for what may have happened, or has had something similar happen, please let me know. I’m kind of blown away lol


Maybe your card stuck to another one and was delivered to the others cards recipient.