Minnesota Stamp Expo Meet Up 20 July 2024

Please count me in! I am a Crystal resident and joined Postcrossing in 2019. I attended a meet-up in 2022 so it’s time for me to do it again! I will help to defray the cost of the room fees as best I can. See you in July!

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I’ll be there, was planning on going to the show anyway. I go to the postage stamp meet ups that they have at the Maplewood Community Center & purchase vintage stamps all the time. I can help with the room cost & will bring a food item to share. I’d like to purchase 25 cards please @crazedwombat thanks for taking care of it for everyone!

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My sister and I plan on attending. She is @Maslover12 . @crazedwombat we would each like 10 cards. So a total of 20. Thank you.


I am planning on going and would like 10 postcards. @crazedwombat
Does anyone know if they will be selling stamps at the event?

the USPS will be present and selling stamps!


Count me in! Looking forward to it. @crazedwombat I would like 15 postcards, please!

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I love the postcard! I plan on being there and will bring snacks to share, but I’m not sure what. Please order a dozen cards for me. Carol

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I was at your meetup a couple of years ago and I’m hoping to come again this year. See you in September! Carol

I’ll be attending. Can I order 10 postcards, please?

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I’ll attend, with a pasta salad in tow.

@crazedwombat I’d like to request 2 of the meetup postcards. :slight_smile:

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Hello, Nolan!
I would like to come to the meetup in Crystal, MN. I am in SD, I hope I am allowed to join in.
I would like 25 of the meetup postcards, please.
Thanks for setting this up.

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I am sorry for hijacking your thread, but as I promised earlier, here is the link to the September SE MN meetup thread.


Hello! I plan on attending and would love to get 10 of the postcards. Thanks so much!

Jackie in Mounds View, MN

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@crazywombat I will take 15 postcards please

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Hi! My plans just changed for the date and I immediately remembered I was sad to miss out on this and now don’t have to!!! Yay!!! I will chip in for room cost and bring a snack to share. Excited to meet you all. @crazedwombat I would like to order 30 cards, unless the limit is lower, totally understand if so. Thanks!!


Hello everyone! Very excited to meet up with you all in about a month’s time! Please use the “RSVP” button at the top if you plan on coming. The Forest Room has been confirmed from 12-3, I’ll be bringing a snack and possibly a drink to share. I will probably be there about 10:30/11a to check out the Expo before going in to set up the room. I plan on setting up a sort of “freebie” area for stickers, cards, tape, pens, etc. Really looking forward to meeting everyone! I don’t have much for an official agenda, and I’m open to suggestions! See above and tag @crazedwombat to order one of the meetup postcards 🩷

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Hello, I just RSPVed and I’m excited to attend my first ever meet up! I’ll help with room costs. @crazedwombat I would like to order 10 meetup postcards. Thank you!


I am planning to attend; this will be my 1st meetup.

@crazedwombat please can you have 15 of the unique postcards for me? Thanks.
Stacy “Green_Heron”



Still planning to attend can I up my order of postcards from 15 to 20? Happy to make a contribution towards the room and will bring cookies. Looking forward to this event!



I would like 10 cards, please. I know I am late to the game to request them. Thanks. Tess