Minnesota Stamp Expo Meet Up 20 July 2024

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Crystal, Minnesota, USA
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Crystal Community Center
4800 Douglas Drive North
Crystal, MN 55429
:calendar: DATE: Saturday, July 20th, 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10a-5p Central Time
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Please forgive me if this post is missing information, I’ve never done this before, very open to feedback.

Minnesota’s annual Stamp Expo will be taking place in Crystal, MN at the community center, more info can be found here. The show and parking is free and the USPS will be there selling stamps.

-I would love to just meet and talk with other local post-crossers, look at the stamp collections on display, show each other our own post card collections, etc. My goal is for this meet up to be casual and friendly.
-We will have access to the Forest Room from 12-3 to share food and drinks, write postcards, trade washi tapes, stickers, pens, etc. The show runs from 10-5, I will be arriving around 11am.
-This will be free to attend but I will take donations for the room reservation, I am not a resident so it’ll be $53/hour for the room reservation, and the community center has a 2 hour minimum. See here under the Forest Room

Please let me know if you are interested in attending or if you have any questions. Looking forward to seeing you!

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.

UPDATES: please see the replies below for the postcard design and let @crazedwombat know how many postcards you would like. I would like this to be potluck style, so please also include what you will be bringing to share. I will be bringing cookies and a lemonade or drink of sorts.

The room reservation has been expanded to an end time of 3p so our postal service friend can come :slight_smile:


I plan to attend and my daughter (also a Postcrossing member but not a forum member) would like to come, too :blush:


It is good to hear from another Minnesotan! Today it is bitter cold as I get on the bus to attend class at the University. Hard to be thinking about July! Thank you for thinking about this. I vaguely remember there was a previous meet up two years ago, but I couldn’t attend at the time. Will add to my calendar!


HI NOLAN! :crazy_face: I will be there and will be able to contribute towards the cost of the room! I will probably bring snacks too. Hooray!

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I will be out of state at that time, but keep your eyes open for another Rochester MN meetup in September. :slight_smile:


I will do my best to be there. :slight_smile:


Hi again everyone, we edited and have a new meeting postcard designed by @crazedwombat :o)

She will be ordering some to start and if need be order more the closer we get to July! I know it’s only March but I am very excited! The room is confirmed as well :o) Looking forward to meeting you all!


I will try to make it! This sounds lovely. If I can make it, I will want about 10 postcards!


can we swap

this is not the place for that, please see trades, requests, and offers to swap

@crazedwombat - I would like purchase 20 postcards, please! Thank you for designing and ordering the meetup cards! :postcard:

@nkbartel - Thanks for being the organizer for this meetup! I will let you know closer to the meetup what snack I’ll bring to share … probably something salty like pretzels :pretzel:


Thank you so much for organizing this meetup! Unfortunately I have a complicated summer schedule and may have to work that day. If I’m not working, I’d love to come, but I likely won’t know until that same week. Can I be included as a ‘hopeful’?


certainly! I hope you’re able to make it :slight_smile:

I intend to be there. Looking forward to my first meetup. I will help with room cost.


Hello! I would like 10 meetup cards please.


I am going to try to attend. I will bring something to share, will come back closer to the date and comment. I can help with the room. Would like 10 postcards, thanks!


This will be my first Meet Up. I do work for the post office on that saturday and will probably not get there until about 2:00 pm. Is that okay? I would like to get 20 of the Meet up postcards as well. I can bring a snack to share too.


I can see if I could change the room reservation by a half hour or so

I plan to attend. Looking forward to it! I’m am coming from Rochester so I will bring cracker or cookies.


I was able to extend the room by an hour, so from 12-3!