Mid-Atlantic Postcrossers May 2022 Virtual meetup

Thank you for hosting this meet-up Eric, Whitney and team! I had a great time! :heart:

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Oops. I had the date wrong in my mind. I’m sorry I missed you all.

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Thanks for hosting, Eric and I was happy to see everyone there! Will there be meetup cards for this? I don’t think I saw what it looks like.

Yup, cards will start going out this week!

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Well, it turns out our WiFi at the cabin stinks and I was unable to join… I’m sorry to have missed the meeting. Really hope to catch up with y’all at the next one!

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@TravellerMel I’ll trade you a meetup card.

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I really enjoyed this meetup :smiley: It was so interesting to watch where you live and how different it is in other countries and continents :earth_americas: :house: thanks a lot for sharing your homes with us :smiley: and many many thanks to Eric @eta55 and Whitney @Beachyblonde for the organization and preparation of this travel around the world :earth_americas: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I’d really appreciate that! Sending you a PM now. :slight_smile:

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Greetings all! Yesterday Karen and I were to meet at Engulfing Earplugs Learned (remember [https://what3words.com/] ?) but it did not work out as that pavilion was reserved for an event. We quickly recovered and met at Swaying Gobbles Printed instead where we wrote and prepared the cards and packets for the meetup. It was a lovely afternoon by the lake, with many species of birds singing and we had a delightful time enjoying the process of putting together the mailing. All cards and packets will go out in Tuesday’s mail (our post office is closed today, and Monday is a holiday here in the states). Enjoy!


Thanks! I appreciate y’all so much! :black_heart:

Thank you again Eric, Karen and Whitney! It was so much fun joining in for another virtual meet-up…and sorry I was late.

I managed to finish the 25 km event, later that day…but it was hard work! Hot and hilly!!


Wow, beautiful scenery for that run! Looks tough though, what an accomplishment, good for you! GO TINKA!!!


Hi @eta55, @Beachyblonde and others host’s.

I’m very sorry for missing the meeting, but it was really impossible for me to attend. On Saturday, the 21st, I started with severe flu symptoms (fever, body aches, excessive tiredness, cough and general malaise) that forced me to stay in bed, and I came to test positive for Covid-19 (for the first time and with the 3 doses of the vaccine) on Sunday, the 22nd. Fortunately, know I am well and working.

I really regret not being able to be with you. I really wish I could do it next time. :slight_smile: I hope it was a good time for everyone.

So sorry to hear you contracted Covid, but very glad to hear you are on the mend and doing better! We had a good time, toured the world of the attendees. We’ll certainly post here on the forum and in Meetup when we schedule the next one, and hope to see you there! I am going to send you a card just because.


Hello all,
Many thanks @eta55, Eric, @Beachyblonde, Whitney & Karen for the wonderful cards following the most recent meet-up. Both my packet & individual card arrived today. Appreciate the card(s)! LLove the washi tape & stamps on this envelope! Really enjoyed the meeting & look forward to the next one!
Have a wonderful summer!

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I also received both my packet and the original you mailed! Thanks so much @eta55, Karen @Beachyblonde I was surprised at how pretty it is! Who designed this one?

I received my packet today! Thank you!!

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Draconic - that is my card design, glad you like it!

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Today I received the written card! Thank you Eric & Karen!

Yesterday was a happy day at my post office when I received my cards, thanks a bunch Eric and Karen!