Mid-Atlantic Postcrossers February 2022 Virtual meetup

How many blank cards do you get or does it depend on the number of the participants?

Signed up and I’m really looking forward to it! I sent an email to Whitney too.

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Depends on the number of participants. Usually 5-10.

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I just sign up and this is my first meetup! I am so exciting and nervous same time!

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We’ve seen a number of comments from postcrossers new to meetups (“First timers”) that they are excited but nervous about attending our event. The purpose of this post is to ease your mind and manage your expectations.

There is no need to be nervous! This is a gathering of people who all share one specific interest - sharing joy and love with others, most of whom are strangers, for that is what postcrossing is all about. So you will be in good company.

Based on the responses we’ve had so far, there are likely going to be many “first-timers” in attendance, so you won’t be alone. While we will have folks in attendance who have been to many of our virtual meetups, as well as having attended face-to-face meetups, they will not look down on you, or think less of you or act in any way negatively towards you because this is your first meetup. In fact just the opposite is true. They will welcome you, happily share their knowledge and experience, and treat you quite well. This is one of the few human communities that is like that, and that is precisely why we are all a part of it!

I make these statements without reservation, because I know them to be true. Not just because I believe in people in general and in postcrossers in particular, but because that has been my experience in hosting these events. Everyone in attendance had a first time just like you will on Saturday, and all those who are returning for another experience are returning in no small part because that is the way they were treated.

The pandemic has stretched us all. We are weary, we are sad, we are frightened, and our world has become a very different and difficult place. What we are really offering on Saturday is a break from all of that. Love and hope.

If you are new, come join us! If you have no postcards, still come. If you have only sent and received a few, just join us. If you have never been to an event, we welcome you. Have no fear, we won’t let you down. We’ve got your back. We’re here for you. All you have to do is just show up and the love will flow.


Hello from the Netherlands! I signed me up for the virtual meetup next Saturday. How can I join the meetup next Saturday? And to who can I send my adress? This will be my first virtual meetup and second meetup ever😃

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Hallo @Mir1990 ,

If you are signed here: MAP Meetup page , you’re gonna receive a email near the date with the link to go to the Zoom meetup, and, normally, @eta55 or @Beachyblonde send you a email to ask your address or you can send them.

@Mir1990 no worries, the day of the meetup, we will post a link to the event here as well as on the Mid-Atlantic Postcrosser’s page. Via Postcrossing, you can send either me or Beacheyblonde with your address, and we’ll be sure to get cards out to you after the vent. Please include your address, your real name, your Postcrossing name and your Meetup name if you signed up there.


@Mieke1985 @Annerie did you come also?

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I just signed up. I hope it worked


Delighted to have joined this. See you there!

@Mieke1985 - It worked, we’ve got you!

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I will try to join!

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We are a little less than 3 hours out! Below please find the invite to the Zoom meeting, including meeting ID and passcode. You will be ported into a waiting room when you log in, and we’ll process you in as quickly as we can. Usually it takes us 10 minutes or so to get everyone on, so bear with us. Please read introductory remarks in the chat once you’ve entered the conference.

Eric Arnold is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Mid-Atlantic Postcrosser’s February 2022 Virtual Meetup
Time: Feb 19, 2022 15:00 Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 863 1430 5910
Passcode: 684328
One tap mobile
+13017158592,86314305910#,*684328# US (Washington DC)
+13126266799,86314305910#,*684328# US (Chicago)

Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 863 1430 5910
Passcode: 684328
Find your local number: Zoom International Dial-in Numbers - Zoom


Sad I missed it. Would like some cards if possible? Thanks

First rough-pass review indicates we had 67 attendees overall. Attendees include postcrossers from 16 countries and 15 states in the USA (+ DC), listed in no particular order below:
The Netherlands
The Dominican Republic
United States of America (States to follow)
South Carolina
North Carolina
New Jersey
New York
District of Columbia

It was a delight to re-connect with previous attendees, as well as meet so many new faces! Thanks so much for attending, it made for an awesome afternoon here! Cards will start going out on Monday, packets will follow. Hope to see you at the next one, we’ve already started talking about it!


I think I have given my address for an earlier meetup, but let me know if I need to send it again.

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Your good Marit, we’ve got you! Thanks for joining us!

I really enjoyed the meeting :smiley: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Thanks a lot, Eric and Whitney, for organizing and hosting!!! It was great to meet all of you from so many different places in the world :earth_americas: :earth_africa: :earth_asia:
As I offered in the chat (and I have got emails from some of you :smiley: ) I am writing you Valentine´s cards :two_hearts:
Stay healthy and I hope to see many of you again at another virtual meetup :headphones:

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All domestic single cards have gone out this week. Some internationals went this week as well, and the remainder will go in tomorrow’s post, with two exceptions, for whom we don’t yet have addresses. Karen and I will be working packets next weekend. Thanks for your patience!