Meteorology statistics on postcards

I write the temp in Celsius except on cards to the USA.

G’day / Yuuma!

I also write weather info (drawing plus temp range in Celsius) then a little in their native language too! No complaints so far… though I always apologise if I’ve somehow sworn at them in their native language.

But then one parent and their parents didn’t speak English as their first language, so I was taught it’s really rude to go anywhere English isn’t the main language and not know even please and thank you let alone a basic greeting. (My grandparents were really strict on this which I will forever appreciate.) And to never to assume English fluency!

Even in the US I’ve shared tables with fluent Spanish speakers (firefighters at the hotel I was at) and was able to communicate. Given their exhaustion it was the least I could do to thank them for their work in their own language- their English was awful, their words, but they really appreciated my efforts. (My accent is apparently worse than awful so I got tips on pronunciation XD )

Whenever I travel, I always learn “please”, “Thank You” and “Do you speak English?”. Even in countries with high English fluency, it is appreciated and a good polite way to let the other know that I speak English. For example go to the post office in Amsterdam to buy stamps for your post cards home and start your business by saying “Spreekt u Engels?” and the transaction will go a lot smoother.


That’s a good idea…“my town is a 4 hour drive east of San Francisco” is a lot better than miles or Kilometers.

I think meteorology stats on postcards is pretty cute. I don’t write them on my cards regularly, but I smile when I see it on cards I receive. And if someone requests it, I always include it. I even try to draw a little sun or cloud (badly–but hey, I tried!).


Same here!–I never really bothered until I realized that so many people enjoy it. I’ve started including the temperature (always in Celsius) and a little weather doodle on most of my cards, and I gotta say, it has definitely helped me become more familiar with Celsius! :rofl:


I changed the temp displayed on my phone to Celsius :joy: to make it easy writing cards


I did, too! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: My husband now thinks I’m insane when I yell out, “Jesus, it’s 38 degrees!” in the middle of a heat wave. (I wish it were 38F right now. :hot_face:)


Oooooh I love these! Can I ask where you bought them?

Clouds are deceptively difficult to draw :joy: I usually always put the weather and temperature on the cards I send and I like to see it on the cards I receive. It makes the whole thing more ‘real’. Like ‘ohhh it’s hot in Germany today!’ It makes me imagine the person more.

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I think I bought them on eBay. But they are also available on Etsy.

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