MELBOURNE: World Bee Day: 4 June 2023

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Melbourne
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Collins Place food court, 45 Collins St, Melbourne
:calendar: DATE: Sunday, 4 June 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 2 - 4 pm

World Bee Day is on 20 May, so @KoalaPost suggested we mark the day at our meet up.
Meet up date has been postponed to 4 June.


Collins Place , 45 Collins St Melbourne. Very close to Parliament Station, and the 11, 12, 35, 48 and 109 trams all stop close by.

Meet in the downstairs food hall. We will be sitting near the juice shop, close to the Exhibition Street entrance.

Bring along anything fun you’ve received that you’d like to show off - new maxicards, nice cancellations, rare countries, etc.


Please bring along a couple of blank cards to add to our prize pool, and we will have a raffle amongst everyone who attends.


I will organise a meet up card for the day, for the cost of printing (around 50 cents each, to be confirmed). No need to pre-order. I’ll update once the card design is finalised.

Anyone else is welcome to do one too.


Meet up date has been postponed to 4 June.


Please RSVP in the comments below or by message to me.



Here’re the meet up cards.


If you want to swap for this card, please post in the thread with your offer, and any of our members who are interested can contact you.

Please check the postal monitor here to make sure Australia can send to your country and vice versa.

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Reserved for host

I’d love to come :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Too far away… what a pity :cry:

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Unfortunately I will be in NSW on the 21st May, so I’ll miss this meetup :disappointed_relieved:

Would still love to join in the Zoom session though! 16th April works for me.

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Thanks Helen!

I’m a ‘yes please’ for the meetup and a ‘maybe’ for the Zoom: my in-laws are visiting that weekend and it’ll depend if they’ve left already :sweat_smile:

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I’m a yes for the meet up but unavailable for the Zoom as I am going overseas on April 16.

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I’d like to come :joy:

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Card designs now posted in the second post.

:blush:I would like to come


I’am interessed a first card (bee day) … I have these cards but if anyone has other preferences, they can write to me so that we can find an agreement :slight_smile:

Hello, I’m from Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil
I would like to exchange postcards with someone who will attend this event.

In June we will have the Festa Junina event here. I can exchange it for this event or for one from the south region.
This is the postcard for the event, and each region will have its own, in all there are 6 to complete the total picture.


Hi everyone, unfortunately I’m no longer able to attend. Have a great meet up.

Sadly I’m no longer able to attend either — sorry Helen, I can’t get my way down to Melbourne this weekend. Wishing you all a happy meet-up


Congrats for this meet uo.
I would like to swap postcards from Salvador - Bahia - Brazil

This is our next event

Please send me a message if you are interested :wink:

Hi. Lovely meet-up and my birthday, I try to collect many cards with my birthday date on it. Maybe anyone like to trade with me?

here are some of my offer cards. at the bottom are also some Meet-up cards (most with signatures)

I have many more cards availabe for trade only not yet photographed - ask for anything you like and I will see if I can find it for you in exchange :heart:

We’ve decided to postpone this meet up, as not enough people where able to attend on the original date.

New date is in two weeks (4 June). The meet up cards have been printed already, so will still have 21 May on them!

@Mundoo , is it OK to re-list this in the calendar?


Hi. I’m interested in the Bee Post Card. I can offer different Meetup Cards from Germany.

Greetings Alexander

I’m happy to trade. I’d like a blue cat card.
Message me your address and I will send a Bee card to you.