Meetup World Postcard Day, Oct. 1st 2024 in Zürich Oerlikon

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Zürich Oerlikon
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Bahnhof Oerlikon Nord - bus station no 80
:calendar: DATE: Oct. 1st, 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 14.30h and 17.00h
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: We will visit the MFO Park and go to the Blue Tower which gives a great view over Oerlikon.
There are geocaches at MFO and Blue Tower, if somebody would like to search them :wink: → GC4XK33 and GC9XGF3 (you can solve this mystery at home)
Afterwards we’ll go back to the train station and meet the second group. Together we’ll go to tibits Oerlikon. We will go together to tibits Oerlikon to sign the cards and to have dinner.

Because WPD is on Tuesday, we will have 2 groups.
One meets in the afternoon and we will have some activities ( MFO Park and Blauer Turm).
The other group will meet the first group at 17.00 at the train station.
The time is NOT yet exactly defined (I will take care of arriving trains).

I need your registrations by September 23, 2024 to reserve the restaurant.
Postcard orders: August 1st to August 20th

tibits ZH Oerlikon at 17.00h
Tramstrasse 2
8050 Zürich
(vegan/vegetarian restaurant) Buffet self-service

If someone would like to overnight in Zürich/Oerlikon, a cheap but nice Hotel is Swiss Star Tower near the station.

Here you can find the Meetup Guidelines

If more than 20 people sign up, I will have to make a waiting list
Participant: 20 - full

1 aGnesTR (1st group)
2 NI20 (1st group)
3 TurtleFan (prob.)
4 swiss-lady (2 persons) (1st group)
6 Mrs Fuchur (1st group)
7 thstreit (1st group)
8 Maude7
9 Maikind3
10 PasoDoble (prob.)
11 Dascia
12 stellina96
13 Zastia (2nd group)
14 azzuri
15 anastasia90
16 travel_reflection (1st group)
17 nissemor
18 Trauti (2)
20 Manky



I hope I can make it! I can’t be sure until closer to the date. Please reserve a spot for me. I’d love to be there.

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It would be great to meet you again TurtleFan!

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I would like to join. :slight_smile: I would be up to go along with the first group, I am taking the day off at work. :slight_smile:

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I like to join :grin: Take off the day at work!


I like to join :blush:

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I would like to join too! :black_nib:

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A meetup close to my former home in Oerlikon! I would like to come but it depends how busy September/October becomes. Please, dear Agnes, put me down as a possible and I will confirm nearer the time (early July). Thank you for organizing the meetup!

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super thanks for organizing I am happy to be there


Hi Agnes
Many thanks for organising. Count me in as from 5pm. I order 30 cards, pls.
Have all a great day Anita/ Zastia


noted Zastia, great to see you again!

Count me in please. Annina Weber :grin: aka ninnle

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30 cards for me

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Dear Agnes, Ciao! please count me in :slight_smile:
Probably I will be in the 2pm group, but its not sure yet.
But I will join your meeting anyway.
Kind regards

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and I order 20 Cards :slight_smile: Thank you so much :slight_smile:

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Great to see you again, Katharina ! I noted the cards :), thank you!

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@aGnesTR Thank you so much for the design of a meetup card as presented in the first message. I am delighted as it shows what became of the area of the former engine factory Oerlikon.
But I had to smile discovering the small pictures of envelopes while written underneath that we meet for the World Postcard Day :wink: Could it still be changed?

I can still change everything :joy: … there are 8 months to go :wink:
You don’t like it because there are letters? Would you prefer postcards? Or nothing?
It is hard to find postcard cliparts

That’s right, I like your idea of a clipart on the card. I would prefer a clipart of postcards or the design of pencils, or stamps, rather than envelopes, as Postcrossing is about sending postcards and October 1st is the World Postcard Day.
But what do the other participants think about the clipart? Am I the only one seeing a problem of envelopes vs. postcards on the meetup card?

I like the design. To be honest, the envelopes did not stand out to me in a negative kind of way. To me the envelopes symbolise snail mail in general. :slight_smile:

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