Meetup in Tallinn 23.04.2023

:world_map: REGION: ESTONIA
:world_map: CITY: TALLINN
:spiral_calendar: DATE: 23.04.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12.00-15.00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: unexpected April meeting

We are thrilled to invite you to our upcoming meetup at Kochi Aidad (Lootsi 10) in Tallinn on Sunday, April 23rd from 12:00-15:00. This is a great opportunity to meet other postcard lovers, share tips and tricks, and enjoy some refreshments from the café’s menu.

Please note that we will not be creating a special meetup postcard, so don’t forget to bring your own postcards to send. We are designing a special sticker that you can use to decorate your postcards with the meetup information.

Additionally, feel free to bring any postcards, stickers, or other materials you would like to share or even sell with other attendees.

Let’s make the most of the current postcard price (prices are rising on 10.05.2023) and send some beautiful cards while enjoying the company of fellow Postcrossers.
To participate, please write your name below this post or message me directly.
We reserved a table for 12 participants
We hope to see you there!


  1. cerres
  2. andry1961
  3. katrinkiisu
  4. Anneliis
  5. Mummi
  6. -C-
  7. +1
  8. evajette


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My favourite beat is, rainy night in Tallinn of TENET

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I will join

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Sticker of the meeting

Hi from Italy, I’m searching for someone in Estonia to swap some meetup cards, let me know, thanks