Meetup event date selection

I just created a meetup for Sept 30 in Tacoma, WA but the "create event calendar feature wouldn’t let me select the 30th. It defaulted to the 29th. Now two different dates are showing. Any ideas how to get the calendar to let me select Sept 30?


I’ve had that issue. Tag an admin, and they can/will fix it for you. For now, I would recommend putting a couple different notices inside your post reiterating the actual date.

Best of luck!

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Will have a look at fix the issue.

Postcrossing Team


We have fixed the issue and your meeting for the 30th has been added to the Postcrossing calendar.

Have a great meeting.

Postcrossing Team

For anyone having this problem at a later date: if you experience this problem, please include a screenshot so we can better understand what the issue may be as it seems to work as expected for us and a screenshot might give us more info on what to look for.

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Thanks so much!!

I just now found this thread and had experienced the same problem earlier. No matter what date I selected on the calendar (or typed in manually in the date box), the app was changing it to the previous day. Specifically, I was trying to create an event on WPD and would enter 10/1/2023 and the app changed it to 9/30/2023. I finally created it by specifying 10/2/2023 as the date, and it appears in the forum as 10/1/2023, so I hope that’s how it really got created. This happened on both my Windows PC (Chrome browser) and Android phone (also Chrome).

Did you select any timezone at the top?

Were you ticking the “Event end” checkbox at the top?

If you try to edit the event now, what does it show to you? If not the correct dates, can you share a screenshot of what you get?

I noticed that in your screen shot the calendar week is Mon-Sun, whereas when I add an event (as shown in following screen shots) it’s Sun-Sat. I know this is part of localization, but is it possibly related to the problem?

Example 1: no time zone selected
Initial screen when adding event

Used arrows to advance to October on calendar but did not select date yet

Clicked on October 1 to select it

Example 2: Selected time zone at start
Initial screen when adding event

Used arrows to advance to October on calendar but did not select date yet

Clicked on October 1 to select it

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I just had this very same problem creating another meetup event. The correct date is 04-May-2024, but the forum software insists on changing it to 03-May-2024 and won’t even let me select the 4th.

Looks like the same problem described on this topic. It seems related with localization of the dates in the calendar, but I haven’t been able to reproduce it.

@jwnewman53 The date on that meetup seems to be correct at the moment: did you find a workaround? Perhaps by typing instead of selecting from the calendar?

In any case, we may soon have to replace the Events plugin that provides that functionality as it’s no longer being actively developed and it’s currently incompatible with the latest Discourse version that we need to upgrade to.

@paulo I noticed that the date had been corrected, but it wasn’t by me.

With today’s update of Discourse, we are have stopped using the third-party plugin that had this issue – now dates are simply written on the topic. Hence, I’m closing this topic just to keep things tidy.