4 May 2024 -- Whidbey Island (Coupeville), WA Meetup

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Whidbey Island (Coupeville), Washington
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Sno-Isle Public Library, Coupeville
:calendar: DATE: 4 May 2024 — this is the CORRECT date
:alarm_clock: TIME: 1:00pm - 4:00pm PDT
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
Whidbey Island! A little slice of paradise, right here in Puget Sound! What could possibly be better? How about – Whidbey Island and POSTCROSSING?? You know the drill – show up with cards and addresses, chat, write, chat some more, write some more, and so on.

The library has computer and printer services available, so you can even print off addresses at the meetup if you wish!


Jim (that’s ME) plans to print up 500 postcards ($0.20 each) that will be available for prepay or day-of payment. No cards will be mailed in advance this time. You can prepay and have cards held for pickup at the event, or you can buy whatever cards are still available that day. I imagine some of our creative PSPG’ers will have some of their own original designs available, too.

But wait! There’s MORE!

I volunteer at Good Cheer Food Bank on Whidbey Island and see first-hand how vital it is to food-challenged members of our community. So I invite you to bring along 2 or more non-perishable, non-expired food items to be donated to Good Cheer. As my personal “thank you” for donating, I will give you FIVE (5) very cool, very limited edition postcards made especially for this event. (Cards limited to first 18 participants.)

You do NOT have to donate to the food bank in order to participate in the meetup!

The official Meetup Card:

The very cool, very limited edition “thank you” card for Good Cheer donations – NOT FOR SALE


This sounds like a lot of fun! I plan on attending :slight_smile: I would like to prepurchase some cards - how do you accept payment?

@jwnewman53 See you on the 4th! 20 cards for me please. Is PayPal good for you?
May the 4th be with you! :grinning:


Yay—I love an excuse to go to an island! Usually I see a button to press to say that I’m attending, but I don’t see one! Am I missing it?

I will be there. I would like 10 meet up cards please.

I don’t know why that button appears for some events but not others. I’ve had that occur on other events too.

The button appears when the host enables RSVP

Now that the secret has been revealed to me, I’ve enabled the RSVP button. :wink:

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Earlier I said I wanted 10 meet up cards but I love the design and would like 20 please. How would you like them paid for?

i will be there, will ride with seachange will need 25 cards if you use both designs. papadick42

richard42 the card amount is 25, if you use both designs the amount is 25 of each design for a total of 50

Greg and I will be there. Please reserve 20 postcards for me.

Orca cards are being offered in multiples of 10 at $0.20 each.

The Space Needle cards are not for sale. The first 18 people to bring at least two non-expired, non-perishable items for donation to Good Cheer Food Bank will receive 5 Space Needle cards as a “thank you” from me.

I would like to attend. Still trying to figure out if Richard is coming with me. 10 cards please.

Looks like Richard42 is coming with me.

Sorry. I saw the picture but I still can’t find an RSVP button.

Hello! I am planning on coming!! Looking forward to another Whidbey trip. 10 cards for me please!

Hello from Minnesota! :grinning: Would anyone be willing to send me a card from this meetup? I have family near Whidbey Island, it’s beautiful there and I love orcas!

In return I can send you a card in July from the Minnesota meetup. Let me know!

I’ll so be there! Put me down for 20 cards. However I don’t see the RSVP button for me. :frowning:

@crazedwombat I’d be happy to send you one if nobody else has offered yet! :slightly_smiling_face: