Meet up Herzogenaurach 2021

:world_map:  CITY/REGION: Herzogenaurach, Bavaria
:pushpin:  MEETUP PLACE:Busstation An der Schütt
:alarm_clock:  DATE & TIME:21.08.2021, 11:00
:page_facing_up:  MEETUP PLAN: Hope it’s able to meet due the pandemic.

After we’re complete it’s time for shopping in Herzogenaurach and having a walk in our old town. If it’s wished we can go a bigger tour than the last year.

For lunch I’ve reserved at the new "Kreis’l: . We’ll be there at 1:00 pm.

@Angelthecat :syringe:
@moonwalker :syringe:
@manu86 :syringe:
@KiwiAngie :syringe:
@Utelia :syringe:
@Bavarian-Blues :syringe:
@Wolfsmondfee :syringe:
@_Lexa_ :syringe:
@Rowa :syringe:
@friesendeern :syringe:
@max_charly (2x) :syringe:
@Elenorris (2x) :syringe:

IMPORTANT for meet up cards: Everyone can design cards. But it’s needed to show them here and every particpant can order it. If cards printed only for 1 or not shown here I won’t sign them.

In Herzogenaurach we not have a limit at cards for now. So you can have to sign meet up cards or cards for wishlist of the other.


I’d love to join again too, please count me in! :smiley:

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count me in if it will be possible to meet again at that time. If I’ll bring my partner I have to rethink about first xD

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Count me in please :+1::kissing_heart:

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Me, too, of course :smiley:

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Of course I’d love to be part of it - please put me on your list. However, my participation will depend on my health condition.
What a shame our nice restaurant of the last meetups will not be available any more! It was so convenient for a disabled person like me - within a manageable walking distance from the car park…


Great news, please take me in.
I will design meetup cards as usual and will show them here. They will be available for everyone.


I would also like to come.

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Please count me in, I’m looking forward to you all.

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I would like to come if it is possible in August.

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All are on the list. Happy to see new members on the meet up.

I would love to be there again. Please put me on the list.

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I would like to join the Herzogenaurach meetup again. Thank you very much for organizing, Manu86! :heart:

Not yet sure if I will design a meet-up card - depends on time, if I took a good photo last time and if I like the other meetup cards good enought that I won’t bother with my own design… :wink: If I design one, I’ll of ourse show it here and make it available for anyone interested in it. :smiley:

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Please count me in!

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Please add me with one person.
Thank you!

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Here ware 2 restaurants/cafe we can go during our meet up:

The Herzwerk: It’s close to our stop at Ellwanger

Or The Handgebäck: a bit to walk from our stops.

Of course looking for some more.


I would also love to come if it will be possible due to Corona…

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I designed a first Meetingcard. You can order it from now on. The price is 0,35ct/each plus postage.
There is a lot of time left so I won’t fix a deadline for orders now.
I had to pay for using this picture, so pls don’t copy it anyway.


until which day do you need to know that I would like some of them? Because not really want to order any when in the End Corona makes the Meet-up not happen.

One should order from the day on we can guess that the meetup can take place. I need at least three weeks for printing and sending the cards.