May 18, 2024 Dallas, TX Meetup

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Dallas, Texas, USA
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Klyde-Warren Park (2012 Woodall Rodgers Fwy, Dallas, TX 75201)
:calendar: DATE: May 18, 2024 (5/18/2024)
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:00pm
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: We will be meeting on May 18 in celebration of International Museum Day. Klyde-Warren Park is across the street from the Dallas Museum of Art. There will be food trucks at the park as well!

The meetup itself will happen at Klyde-Warren Park. After the meetup, we will be perusing the Dallas Museum of Art and the museum gift shop for postcards (attendance to the museum is free to the public). There will also be a museum-themed meetup postcard that will be available for purchase (purchase information is on the RSVP form, feel free to bring cash to purchase meetup postcards if you do not have Venmo or PayPal):

:round_pushpin:Klyde-Warren Park:
2012 Woodall Rogers Fwy
Dallas, TX 75201

:round_pushpin:Dallas Museum of Art:
1717 N Harwood St.
Dallas, TX 75201

Please RSVP using the Google Form below:

What are we going to be doing?

  • Spend time getting to know our fellow Postcrossers
  • Share our Postcrossing experiences/stories
  • Swap postcards
  • Sign meetup postcards
  • Write and send out as many postcards as we can!

What should I bring? (Not mandatory, just some ideas!)

  • Your name stamp (signing postcards can get tiring)
  • “Freebie” postcards to trade and give away - one Postcrosser’s “trash” is another’s “treasure!”
  • Postage stamps
  • Postcards you’d like to send at the meetup
  • A smartphone / iPad / tablet for connecting to
  • Pens, markers, washi tape, stickers

Event organizers: @Courtneybblooms @heidiblooms @peachesandlola

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.


Hello dear Postcrossers!
I would be very interested in swap the wonderful card.
My offers:

Enjoy your meetup and thank you in advance.

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Hey I live in Texas! Haven’t joined in any in person meetups before. Filled out the form earlier. Looking forward to seeing other folks!


Woohoo! We’re so excited to meet you!

Hello, what a beautiful meetup-card.
I wish I could have one. I can return the favor with a card from Leipzig.
Have fun @all und best greetings.

Howdy from Texas!

We can definitely send you a signed card from the meetup. Could you please send the round Cala Guya card? I will private message you so we can exchange addresses.

Howdy! We can for sure send you a signed meetup card. Could you please private message me your mailing address so that we can arrange a swap? Thank you!

I’ll be there!


I’m excited to see everyone at the museum meetup! Remember to submit the number of meetup postcards you’d like to purchase on the RSVP form, and to bring postcards to share and trade!

Can’t wait to join! :star_struck:


So excited to join my first meetup!!!

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Sorry wont be able to make it to the meetup. I wont make it to Dallas until later in the afternoon.

Hi! I’m joining in travel mode this meeting tomorrow 18. Mai 2024 - Burg Rabenstein Meeting

Who wants to swap a meeting card with me?

I would be willing to trade with you @Kushboo

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Hello! It looks like I am unfortunately not going to be able to make it after all, I just got back into town from San Francisco and discovered that due to the storms in Houston there is currently a fallen tree blocking my driveway that I’ll need to cut up before I can leave, and the rest of Houston is in chaos as well.
@heidiblooms I prepaid for the postcards, if you can mail them to me please let me know how much the cost is so I can pay for that or send you a shipping label, if you can’t mail them I totally understand. I’ll see y’all at the next one!

Hey Trevor, I can definitely mail your cards to you this week.

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The park is very small, we do not have a specific table reserved. You will easily be able to find us when you arrive, thanks all!

Thanks Heidi for the update! I’m on my way, probably arriving a little after 12p.

We will be meeting in the museum lobby café area

Thank you to everyone who came to the meetup! We had a wonderful time seeing familiar faces and meeting new Postcrossing friends.

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