Maxicards chat

Hope this is an ok place to ask:

What do you think about ‘maxi cards’ made with self designed cards?

I’ve ordered some of these cards with a personal photo of an Austin mural from

I’m planning to send some of them off to be mailed to friends with this pictorial postmark. Thanks to @uconn for sharing about it on the forum!

I like the idea of maxi cards but don’t really feel like I understand the ‘rules’ or general preferences. I was thinking about trying to have some made into maxi cards to swap here, but am not sure if anybody would want them on non-commercial cards. Or even if they’re related enough to count as a maxi card? I would probably be using this stamp:

If you’re not familiar with moo, I think the quality (paper thickness, coating, print quality) are nicer than some of the commercial cards I’ve bought - they’re definitely nicer than cards I would be able to print at home or have seen from Zazzle. Of course I’m far from an expert artist or photographer, but there are also lots of commercially available cards I’m not personally a fan of. The ones I usually order do have rather plain backs because moo lets you order multiple picture sides per order but only one writing side. At any rate, I know some people do not want these types of cards, which is fine. I feel like this might be especially true for people who like or collect maxi cards? It doesn’t hurt my feelings if people don’t want them, but I really enjoy sending cards I think people will like, so I won’t bother making these into ‘maxi cards’ if people are mostly going to be disappointed to receive them. Or if they are something people might be interested in I might see if I can find more of those stamps.

Not so much asking if you would want this particular maxi card, but if you like maxi cards and there was one with a theme you like, but it was on a non-commercially available card, would you still want it?

Sorry for a novel - I appreciate any feedback anyone wants to share!


Looks great! To me, it’s all matching in theme of bread. I don’t mind custom card as long as they are in good quality and match theme. For blank backside, you can fill it with washi, sticker, writing etc. No problem for me. And I’d love this maxicard when you make. :slight_smile:


Singapore Otters ATM maxicard,
Postcard from Taiwan.


I have to agree with Silverdoe

I use self printed cards from time to time too like for the Immanuel Kant issue this month. I will show when I received them back. If you make them I would love to receive one too. And about moo - they have a lovely printing quality. And to be honnest for official issued maximum cards I think most of the cards are only printed/created for that cause. Belarus even offers cards of the image of the stamp.

And if you ever come across someone complaining, don’t let it destroy your fun in creating Maximum cards :heart:


I recently sent this Serbian maxicard
which commemorates Stamp Day 2023


Maxicards in Russia are surprisingly unpopular, even postal office workers might not be familiar with this type of cards.
However, they exist that makes me so happy! :sweat_smile:
I remember buying the Floral maxicards series (issued in 2023):

One of them has already reached Germany :de::


At Zazzle, I designed this lynx personalized stamp AND this postcard!
Then, I created the maxicard.

As you could see in my Facebook group “Maximaphily, traditional and non-traditional”, I love self-designed, self-printed or custom-printed postcards, to create your cool maxicards!

I designed hundreds of postcards, and I created hundreds of maxicards with non-traditional postcards.
You would be shocked to see what things I “postcardized”. Book covers, calendar pages, and other wilder things.

Also, the postcards that I designed at Zazzle I also offered for sale in my 2 Zazzle shops.
They are “commercially-available”, to pacify any traditional maximaphily purist.


I have a new respect for the USPS folks who do the cancellation stamps. I did these all myself at the stamp release and each one was a different kind of wrong :joy: learning experience, and still fun


On April 27, there was a cancellation in several cities of Russia regarding the release of new “Fauna of Russia” stamps. I made cardmaximums with a carpenter bee (xylope).


I love that card!!!

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Im pretty new to postcrossing, and I want to make sure I understand what a “Maxicard” is. If I purchase a postcard from the same manatee rescue that worked with USPS to make the new manatee stamp, would that be a maxicard? Below are the stamp and postcard in question. Thanks!


Hi! I’m pretty new myself, so this might help you: Maxicards chat
I think a true maxicard would have the stamp on the front of the card with the first day of emission postmark on the stamp.
Here you can see an exemple of a really pretty maxi I received: Postcard DE-14061026
Btw that’s a very cute stamp!


If you send out for the postmark at USPS Kansas address: definitely.

There is a few definitions of maxicards, so things depend on the definition of the collector and the options of the country offers (some don’t have pictorial postmarks, some don’t allow them on the image side, etc). But if you make the above combination, I’m sure everyone will like them. I surely would, so if you want to swap, I’d be happy to.


Not quite! The postmark must be related to the card and stamp, it’s not mandatory to be the first day postmark. The cards with that postmark are usually made by the post offices but anyone can do a maxicard.

In this particular place, the postmark can be from the area where the manatee lives. i.e.: the manatee lagoon mentionned on the card is situated in West Palm Beach, FL 33407. The stamp can be cancelled in the post offices closer to this address.

Wiki gives a simple idea about a maxicard: Maximaphily - Wikipedia


really lovely one :heart:


I just came back from a short road trip through Hyogo, Tottori, Shimane (but mostly Tottori). I was able to visit Sanbutsu-ji Temple, which is famous for Nageiredo, a small temple high up on a mountainside. I first visited it 20 years ago and was able to make the climb (slowly!) then, but I knew that this time my knees could not handle the climb now. That said, I was able to make a maxicard from a gotochi card, older stamp, and the scenic cancellation available in the nearby onsen town of Misasa, which has the most radioactive hot springs in the world (due to the radon in the water). Side note - it’s a sister city to a hot spring town of Lamalou-les-Bains in France, and it has held an annual Marie Curie festival since 1951. This area is a rural as it gets but it’s one of my favourite places in the country.


Thats very good to know, and convenient since thats one of my local post offices!


The Manatee Lagoon has a bunch of really cute postcards!


I’d like to show a maxicard from Australia I received 2 weeks ago:

This maxicard was made for celebrating 50th Anniversary of the first race of Peter Brock at Mount Panorama in 1972.


Postrocrossing often encourages you not only to collect collections of interesting postcards, but also to visit stunning historical places and create cardmaximums that are amazing in content) I certainly envy you and at the same time I am very glad that you will now have such an amazing postcard in your collection)))