March 30, 2024 San Diego, CA meetup

Looking forward to meeting you there! I’ll have postcards ready for you, cash payment at the meetup is fine. I’ll add you to the list for wooden postcard making


Thank you!

I wish you all a nice day in your meeting. Happy Postcrossing from Germany

Postkartenfan or Thomas

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I am in!
Love Scripps! Thank you for hosting.
I’ll take 30 cards.

I am interested in the wood postcard activity.Let me know if there is a fee or what I must bring.


Awesome, looking forward to seeing you there, I’ll have cards ready for you.
I’ll add you to the sign-up list for the activity. You’ll need to bring an image printed on a laser printer, otherwise the transfer to the wooden card won’t work. Please see more details regarding the image in the meetup description


I’m in!
I’d like 35 cards please.

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I’ll be there. Thank you for making this happen!

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Not sure if I’m on the correct page. I think I clicked on the Going button for March 30th. Happy to meet up in San Diego!

You’re all set, seat booked and will have 15 postcards ready for you as you ordered via a message :slight_smile: Looking forward to seeing you at the meetup in a few weeks!

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Thanks so much!

10 cards for me please! This is sooo close to my house!

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Such an adorable design!! Have fun you guys :heart: :heart: :heart:

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Awesome, cards will be ready!

Hi @marora!

I’m sad to report that I can’t make it to the Meet Up after all :sob: I’m really sad to miss this lovely day!

Please feel free to remove me from the wooden postcard making activity list.

I will message you about my card order as I have a friend who will be attending.

I hope I can make it to the next event! :two_hearts:


Last reminder for ordering meetup postcards before I close the orders at the end of the week.
There will be a limited amount available at the meetup.

@monkey722, @Special1jr are you interested in preordering meetup postcards ahead of the meetup? Let me know please.

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Yes. 30 of each.

Hi Jay, do you mean 30 postcards for each of your party (you, Nora and Suleika), meaning 90 total? We have just one design of the meetup postcard. Thank you for clarification :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @marora! Sorry for waiting until the 11th hour!
If there’s room for one more RSVP… I would love to attend!
If you have 20 cards still available, I would be grateful to reserve that amount as well.
Thank you so much!!!


We have plenty of room as I booked a large room this time :slight_smile: Great you can make it to the meetup!
Put you down for 20 postcards, thanks for preordering

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Hi, nice postcard design! May I please reserve 5 postcards please? I may not be able to attend but I know someone might be. I can venmo you in advance. Thanks.

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