March 30, 2024 San Diego, CA meetup

@Silviation @davidturner @vireolanius @princeofasturias @Cupcake11 @happytania @thatpartyhat @thedisappearingspoon @anon96686620 @Disneyfan1 @dj_fission @Special1jr @mywrites2you @askask11
You were interested in/attended past meetup so I thought to tag you here in case you’d like to come to the spring meetup :slight_smile:


Yes! I would love to go to a meetup in San Diego!

Awesome, looking forward to meeting you there! Let me please know if you want to get some of the meetup postcards and if you want to participate in the activity and try making your own wooden postcard

I’d love to but I’ll be out of the country. I appreciate the heads-up!

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YAYAYAYA! I’m so excited! I’d like 25 meetup cards, please? I’d also like to sign up for the wood postcard making as well (wasn’t sure how to sign up for it). I’ll venmo @marora for my cards. Please & thank you!! :slight_smile:

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@Ehuuuuu Great! I’ll have cards ready for you, just wait with the payment a bit, I’m not 100% sure about the cost yet

@dj_fission Enjoy your trip! I’ll notify you again for the next meetup and hope to see you next time


Thank you for tagging me. This sounds like a lot of fun. I would love to attend but I’m not positive if I can come yet. Can I tentatively say yes and cancel if I am unable to make it? May I order 20 cards and can send you the payment when you know the final amount?

Of course, I book a seat for you for now and put you down for 20 cards

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yes i would love to rsvp! can i please also get 10 cards?

I’ll have them ready for you. Great you can come to the meetup again!

Thanks so much for thinking of me! I got excited for a minute and then remembered that my family told me to reserve that weekend for something they have planned for me for my birthday. :sob: One of these days I would love to join you all! :crossed_fingers:t4:

Hopefully next time :slight_smile: Enjoy your birthday surprise!

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I will attend the meetup and would like 50 cards, is there anything more you need from me? I am looking forward to the event! thank you for arranging!

Welcome to the forum! I have you down for 50 cards. Let me please know if you’re interested in making your own wooden postcard, a fun activity that is also planned for the meetup.

Hello from LA! May I reserve 30 cards? Thank you!

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Sure thing, they’ll be ready for you :slight_smile:

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I’m excited! Thank you for planning. I’d like 10 meetup cards please. I would like to contribute a prize bag. Also I’d love to participate in the activity


Thank you Leslie for bringing a prize! I have you down for 10 cards and the activity


I’d love to come (: May I join postcard woodmaking too if possible. I’ll buy 25 as well. Thanks

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Marked my calendar! :calendar: If I may reserve 20 cards, please :pray:t5: and absolutely in for wood postcard activity! :raised_hands:t5: :sparkles: