:postcard: Mail Suspension Alerts

Postal Monitor has been updated for: France, Maldives, Netherlands, Portugal, Singapore.

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It seems that Portugal can’t also send to Australia… (or do you think it’s a typing mistake?!)

There’s been a tiny slip: Romania does send mail to Australia, but now airmail/priority is mandatory (before sept 16th you could have used snailmail, too). So I think this pair should be removed from the postal monitor restrictions :slight_smile:


UPDATE 16 SEPTEMBRIE 2021 - Compania Naţională Poşta Română informează că, începând cu data de 16 SEPTEMBRIE 2021, va fi restricţionată expedierea traficului poștal internațional de corespondență și colete neprioritare pentru Australia. În consecinţă, pentru destinaţia menţionată se vor accepta doar trimiteri poştale internaţionale prioritare (corespondenţă, colete şi EMS).

From the Netherlands:

Postal Monitor has been updated for:
Netherlands, Singapore, UK.

Hi, @bom_dia
The following message was on ctt’s website under “Alertas gerais” but it had been removed.
They might have forgotten to update the list (???)

“Devido ao elevado volume acumulado de objetos com destino à Austrália, a companhia aérea que assegura o transporte dos mesmos para este destino colocou um embargo até dia 6 de Dezembro, até esta situação estar regularizada. Por esta razão, serão de esperar atrasos significativos para este destino durante as próximas semanas.”

Hi, @anon7793644
Could you provide the URL of your information?

Currently Ecuador and Timor-Lester were added to the list, but Peru is on Delay section of Vertragingen internationale post- en pakketbezorging and International Service Alerts.

So, that means snail mail to Australia still exists, but it is closed due to COVID and only Priority mail is available? (In other words, customers need to pay a higher-than-usual postage to send postcards to Australia due to COVID?)

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I would, if I knew how…:see_no_evil:
Above is the screenshot of the e-mail I received from PostNL yesterday.

yes. But even before the pandemic there were a lot of overseas countries where priority mail is mandatory - all of Latin America, most African countries, Japan, New Zealand, Taiwan and so on.

From what I understand, the postal tariffs are negotiated based on traffic volumes - so mail can be cheaper to countries where Romanians post frequently (not only postcards, but letters, EMS, printed papers and so on). This has been the case for the past 5 or 6 years; before that we had snail mail for Europe (or EU, depends on the post office, but that’s the tail of a different fish) and mandatory airmail for the rest of the world.

To get a clearer picture you can take a look here - for countries with DA we can use either snail mail or airmail; countries with NU only accept airmail.

Also I want to point out the difference in postage is not that critical - the regular tariff for an international postcard is now 6.5 RON, the priority tariff is 10 RON. I know people who post everything priority so as not to bother :slight_smile:

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It’s possible :woman_shrugging:
(I hadn’t notice before, the line about Australia in the list, but I also didn’t notice the message you copied, so :woman_shrugging:)

From yesterday. (Netherlands)

I cut the messages, because in between them were announcements of many delays (an extra 3 weeks to China - ohh, my poor December missives :wink::disappointed_relieved:)…

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Postal Monitor has been updated for:
Dominican Republic, Netherlands

Update Laos
Good News ! All services are resumed, but traffic is very low, only 2 shipments every month.


Some postal administrations don’t care to update their closed destinations lists apparently. I don’t have other explanation of it.
I’m receiving mail from Hong Kong, India, Japan despite they not sending to Kazakhstan according postal monitor. All incoming mail have October - November 2021 postmarks.

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Postal Monitor has been updated for:
Portugal, Singapore.

There is no way to tell if the postal routes were working or it was a matter of luck, and if the working routes will continue working on regular basis or it was temporary. Some mail are lucky to “hitchhike” on parcel mail or on other unusual transportations and get to suspended destinations.
Unless it is official, there will be no guarantee that the next postcard will be treated in the same way.

That’s why we tend to be on the safer side and usually remove a suspended country only when an official announcement has been made by the postal agency.
Everyone is welcome to contact their postal agency to inquire or request to have the list updated.

The main purpose of Postal Monitor (and this alert thread) is to avoid postcards to be rejected or returned by post offices, also to prevent members from receiving unexpected surcharges or higher postal rates.


New alerts from PostNL (Netherlands).

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Postal Monitor has been updated for:
Austria, Georgia, India, Laos, Mauritius, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Uruguay.

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India Post suspends the booking of mails to USA

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Hello. I just checked for Malaysia, and the postal monitor need to be updated –


Thank you and stay safe! :slight_smile:

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Postal Monitor has been updated for:
Denmark, Georgia, Korea (South), Maldives, Sri Lanka, UK, USA.

@djctv2020 That was already added in the previous update. Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:
@mizaa Hello, welcome to the forum. Those 145 counties were removed from Postal Monitor in October. Please let us know if anything had changed since then. Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello. Those 145 countries listed is the latest update from our local post office. I just checked with them as I received address to one of the 145 countries listed :sweat_smile:

On the Postal Monitor, we list the countries to which mail service is currently not working. So if a country is listed under Malaysia on the Postal Monitor, it means Pos Malaysia is not sending to those countries. Currently there are 101 countries or territories on that list — and about 145 to which service is working.

Sounds like everything is correct on our side?

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