✅ Long reaction time when buttons are used

For a few days now, it takes a long time for the reply box to open when the “Reply” button is used or the pencil to edit a post.

And when I started to write this topic it took also a long time to open the writing box when I used the +Topic button.

Browser Firefox 104.0.2 64 Bit


I experience the same!

I’m on my Android phone and hit the button several times because I think I misclicked, only to remember then that it’s slower than usual.

Using Chrome btw.

However replying to this post I did not experience it. Not sure whether it’s related to time of day or that it depends on replying in a ‘bigger’ topic with more posts.

EDIT: I hit the edit button on this message as I made a spelling error and experienced the lagging. So it’s not topic size

And another edit: I just remembered that the preview page of a message I was composing didn’t want to load at all, only white screen plus the pencil to go back to my message (I now realize that I should have been more patient :wink:)


I have the same problem both using Chrome on my laptop and my android phone. Doesn’t depend on the site if the topic nor the time of the day.



Same here with Safari both on Iphone SE and Mac.


I have this problem too! Whether on my Android smartphone or on the PC with Chrome.

I’ve noticed the same, especially when editing. (It has been more obvious, when I have tried to edit typos quickly). I am using android phone.

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Same ! (smartphone android) I blamed my internet connection… :see_no_evil:


Same here. I’m on vacation right now and before it was brought up in the German - Deutsch , I also have accused the i-net connection.

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I’ve noticed this happens when the composer window is involved. From Chrome console it looks the discourse-events plugin is causing this issue (Uncaught TypeError: this.composerResized is not a function)


I noticed the same, but not always. I blamed the forum load :sweat_smile:

I’m using PC + Firefox (latest version) and Android + Chrome.

Yes, noticed this too a few days ago.

I experienced the same on iPhone safari and I blamed the quality of my wifi :see_no_evil:
Couple of days ago I noticed it for the first time.


Glad it’s not just me!

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I have the same issue with Chrome, MS Edge and Safari on my iphone 10.

Since yesterday, it happens every single time when opening the composer window.

It’s happening for me too…started a couple of days ago. Safari on iPhone.

I experience it too. I use Samsung Internet browser.

Dito. Both on Windows 11 / Chrome and Android Chrome or via Widget.

By the way the design of the widget has changed a bit, too, since then. The “P” of Postcrossing is smaller now.

And what is also since then: When I write longer replys or postings it happens that there appears a note in the lower right corner of the reply box with a orange-red triangle with an exclamation mark and the text: “Draft is offline”. Have never seen this before. In that case I cannot push the reply button. Of course I checked if maybe I’ve lost internet connection but I hadn’t. This I experienced only on Windows Computer not on my mobile device.

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I thought its something wrong with my phone :rofl:

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I just ran into this problem when I created a new theme. Android, Google Chrome

I have the same issue.

I’m also experiencing this intermittently on my phone in Safari and also on my laptop in Chrome.