Limited edition postcard from Antarctica with donation to UKAHT

I received an email from the UKAHT (UK Antarctic Trust) about a limited edition postcard they are offering for the month of September, in exchange for critical donations. Since it’s a nice cause, sharing here with my fellow postcard enthusiasts:


The penguin post office at Port Lockroy, on a football pitch-sized island on the Antarctic peninsula, was opened in 1944. It began with a secret mission to establish the first permanent British base on the continent. This outpost was known as Base A and the basic wooden hut as Bransfield House. Scientists stationed there laid the foundations for the vitally important science that happens in Antarctica today. In 1996, the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust opened the site as a post office and museum.

For eight decades this special building has endured winter after winter, but with reducing sea ice we are seeing heavier snow fall, and we need your help to fix and stabilise the roof above one of the most important rooms of the site, the historic bunkhouse. You can help to support the conservation efforts by sending your very own Postcard from Antarctica this year.

As part of the 80th birthday of the base and 30th anniversary of the charity, you can send a limited edition postcard to yourself or a loved one and support the roof repair at the same time. Simply complete the form below, make your donation of £20 and our Antarctic team will do the rest.

We need to raise over £50,000 to enable the conservation efforts this year. You can play a part in Antarctica by sending your postcard, making a donation or sharing this story with your friends. Thank you.


@isignaslily FYI, if you’re interested in a card from Antarctica, check out the post above

Thank you so much for sharing this! I made my donation :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thanks a lot for letting us know, I just requested my card! :star_struck:

Thank you. I’ve placed an order too.

What a cool opportunity! Thanks for letting us know!

This is such a smart way to fundraise! Thanks for sharing

I attempted signing for one but the system is dening it. I am going through PayPal. My credit card is correct. I have a Discover card. I see the site does not accept this card though it is going trhough Paypal. Any other USA having same problems?

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Yes, I made repeated attempts on two different days with both PayPal and a credit card and was repeatedly denied. So it’s not my fault if their roof keeps leaking; I at least tried.
P.S. You’ve just joined Postcrossing today and you’re already attempting to donate to the conservation efforts-very impressive.

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@lunarrv15 @jeffbh

I unfortunately have the same issue with PayPal & credit card. I’m from the Netherlands. Oh well :woman_shrugging:

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I have only Discover credit card. It is not shown as being accepted

I used my credit card on Friday, received an email to confirm the payment from Worldpay, but have not received any confirmation from Antarctic Heritage Ltd. Has anyone else received a confirmation from them? This is what Worldpay said:

“This confirmation only indicates that your transaction has been processed successfully. It does not indicate that your order has been accepted. It is the responsibility of Antarctic Heritage Ltd to confirm that your order has been accepted, and to deliver any goods or services you have ordered.”

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Yes, I instantly received an email confirmation from: UKAHT Customer Service

I also received the the confirmation from Worldpay with the same message you shared, separate email.

Check spam/etc folders?

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Okay, something’s gone wrong. There’s nothing in spam, and I’ve checked my bin in case I inadvertently deleted it. I’ll get in touch with them. Good job I checked! Thanks Adrienne.

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Done. Patiently waiting.

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I love this but I don’t know what to request to be written on the card! I will have to give it some thought and set a reminder so I don’t miss the deadline. Thanks for sharing.

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The link no longer works so I can’t check - can anyone remember when the postcards will be sent from Antarctica?

I had a quick skim through their Facebook and found this in one of their comments: “If you ordered a postcard from Antarctica, they take at least 6-8 weeks from the time our team arrive in early November.”


So probably early next year. Thanks.