Lexington KY meetup 05/26/2024

Unfortunately i won’t make this meet up. We’re going out of town for a funeral :frowning: perhaps another time! Would be neat if one took place in Cincinnati

I’m so sorry! My condolences. No worries at all. Thank you for being so kind to even offer a ride. I’m sure they’ll be more opportunities for meetups in the future. :wink:

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Has the location been determined? I just can’t seem to find it in the chat. Thanks!

The location is in the first message! “Beaumont Public Library in the Large Meeting Room - 3080 Fieldstone Way Lexington KY 40513”


Hey friends!

For anyone who hasn’t yet arranged for their meetup cards, please know that I will have a decent amount available day of event! :smile:
I got the printer situation settled out.

It’d be helpful for me if you could email me with the number you want @ amabhakti@gmail.com
$1.00 ea , cash day of.

Look forward to meeting everyone and having fun :heart: Does anyone want to do blind b/e 10x envelope swaps for fun?

I’m going to bring some blanks to trade.

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How about each attendee bring 10 postcards in a ziploc bag to swap?
Put the bags in a bowl or basket to pass around and pull out a baggie.
This was fun at my last Meet-Up.
Just an idea…

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I’m planning on coming.

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@mojo smile

I have seen this happen at other meetups too!!

it’s fun! I plan to bring a few 10x packets of cards in envelopes for this purpose!

I’m excited :see_no_evil::star_struck:

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I have a few 10 packs too. My sister will also be bringing one. She’s new to postcrossing. I’m bringing postage stamps to trade also if anyone is interested.

Can’t wait.

Were you at the St. Charles meetup? I remember this username I think :blush::joy: I think I know a few people going to the meetup so it’s going to be nice to see you all!

Arrived in Lexington. Being a tourist.
See you Sunday.:grinning:

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lol I just saw this now after messaging you a few minutes ago :joy:

My sister and I have a 3 hour drive tomorrow and we are hoping the storms aren’t too bad. Positive vibes for the drive.

We are hoping to get some postcards at the horse park!

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Unfortunately I’ll have to miss the meetup today. I hope that there is another meetup in Lexington in the future, and I hope everyone has a great time! :]

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Thanks for the nice afternoon.
I had a great time.
Safe travels everyone.


I wasn’t able to make it this time. But I’m definitely interested if there is another meetup in the area again. Would love to hear how it went. :blush:

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I really enjoyed sharing in another Meetup. Looking for the next one close to home. Thanks so much, Dawn, for getting us together, keeping us in line, and bringing interesting subjects for us to share. It truly means a lot. Tod bless everyone.


A big THANK YOU to everyone who came :cloud:, it felt good to see everyone chatting and having a nice time. I appreciate everyone’s patience as we muddled through how to handle things together!

I am not much of a photographer but here are some shots of everyone looking studious: :nerd_face: :love_letter:

Lexington Area Folks might be interested to know the library is having a craft event on June 22 at 3pm, decorating stash tins with washi tape and stickers. I plan to go and thought some of y’all might be interested as well.

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Hi! Does anyone still have a copy of your amazing meetup card for trade? I have many many cards to offer, including meetup cards, Tausendschön, Titina, Blue Cats, … .

Message sent to you.

Hey all I’m hosting a meetup in Evansville Indiana in December!

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