Lexington KY meetup 05/26/2024

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Lexington, KY, USA
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Beaumont Public Library in the Large Meeting Room - 3080 Fieldstone Way Lexington KY 40513
:calendar: DATE: Sunday 05/26/2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 1pm to 4pm
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Come socialize with other post-crossers! Bring postcards if you would like others to stamp or sign them. Meetup specific card is TBD.

There will be an option to swap or give away items; postcards, stamps, stickers, washi tape (really anything you want to swap that is related would be welcome).

There is a size limit for number of people who can attend due to fire safety regulations, so please RSVP if interested. I will be keeping a list and will make a post if we reach capacity.

We are allowed to have snacks and drinks in the meeting room of the library. Please be mindful of common allergens if bringing a snack for yourself (or to share).
Examples of allowable food and beverages:
(This is not a comprehensive list.)

Prepacked snacks such as granola bars, chips, and cookies
donuts and pastries
canned soft drinks
coffee in cardboard packaging or insulated carafe
trays of meats, cheeses, fruits and vegetables
box lunches
delivery pizza

Examples of prohibited food and beverages:
(This is not a comprehensive list.)

Anything requiring a heating element (i.e. crockpot, hotplate, sterno, percolator)
Gallons or bottles of juice, tea, or soft drinks
Alcoholic beverages
Buffets and potlucks

Here are some of the other library guidelines for expected behavior:

There are a variety of nearby restaurants if people are interested in grabbing dinner together after the event; Sahara Mediterranean, Masala Indian Cuisine, Subway, Campestre Mexican Bar and Grill, Bru Burger, Donatos Pizza, Zen Sushi, just to name a few. A lot of these are smaller places so we would need to be mindful of how many people go to each.

Also, if you live or work in Lexington and haven’t gotten your library card - this would be a great time to do that. :books: :nerd_face:

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.


Hello! I live in northern Kentucky and would be very interested in joining this meetup in Lexington!

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Excellent, happy to have you! Please RSVP, that helps me keep track of the numbers. :smile:

Hello, I am not sure how to RSVP. I don’t see a place to do this. Never mind. I just checked and it says i am going. Is this considered an RSVP?

Cheryl Cullick


I’m trying to get my sister into postcrossing. We don’t know when her graduation is, but we should be able to come!

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Good to know, guess I need to start keeping a tracker for Plus 1s that can’t RSVP on here. Congrats on sister’s graduation!


I am in Cincinnati. I have limited funds at the moment and my car is not in shape to make the trip, but I would be interested in potentially carpooling with someone from the Cincinnati area (or passing through) if anyone would be open to that. I wouldn’t want anyone coming out of their way to get me, but if it were an easy thing to work out, I’d definitely love to join everyone!


Hello! I am RSVPing here to you that I will be coming. Please let me know that you have me on the list. Thank you!



Hi, friends! I contacted most of you regarding a meet-up in November 2023 in Bowling Green, KY. Some of you indicated you would be interested in a future meet-up in a different location - specifically further north. So, here it is!! If you plan to come, please RSVP in the top post so Dawn can keep an accurate count. Please make sure you look at the details in that post as to the time, location, etc.

@cmhowens @dejabrown @FunnelFace @jordynb @koolmedo @lippmansdl @Nauti_Dogs @Pamela515 @tifageneroe @bubbles27 @smartymarty @Twade @AngelicBarton270 @Baxterbear @Bethuhknee @Bogle @bubbles27 @ChickenCottage @Christy11 @Cookingmonsters @cwheeler @DerbyGirl13 @elizajane @faithgirl23 @grantya3wishes @jasperscotch @jenniferc @jeune_amour1 @jimbo70 @kentucky1792 @kycc @kynurse2023 @Lorenlee @mediumfunnysam @momof281 @moonee @poeklm @ppx @RachaelS1234 @smithmk27 @sourflame @tiffanyt43 @tstoddard324 @Whiteraven

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Do you see the RSVP selectable area at the top of the page? For me it is in line with the date and time at the top under the title. If you could hit that for me as it is helping me keep count. Thanks! I also made a note on my list about your rsvp.

I can see it easily on my phone. But when I’m on my laptop it’s not there.

I would love to join but unfortunately I will be out of town on that day. If there’s ever another meetup nearby let me know!

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I really don’t know what is going on with the RSVP button then as I see it on my laptop. :sweat_smile: :computer: yay, technology! Great when it works baffling when it doesn’t.

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I am making my travel plans. Looking forward to this event. :grinning:

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I would love to go but not 100% sure on transportation availability on that date. If there’s anyone willing to pick me up I will pay for gas. I am in northern Kentucky not too far from Cincinnati but can probably be dropped off at your location.

I may have a ride but like I said I don’t know for sure so I don’t want to take up someone else’s spot if they can go. I know space is limited.


I have you down as a maybe, hope the transportation gets figured out!


I am looking forward to this event! :grin: :star: :love_letter:

I am imagining this as a relaxed get together, would people like a semi-set schedule; something like Meet & Greet, stamping postcards for each other for a set time, swap time, dinner plans, trivia or games time, other things people would like to do as a Postcrossing group (give me suggestions), etc.

I plan on attending- I am glad to have an event close enough to go to! Personally, I have no preference between a relaxed schedule or a set one.

I was wondering if someone was already making a meetup card- or if I would be able to design a meetup card for the event?

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Hi Corgis, there was a bit of momentum by @AmandaPost earlier on to do a card but I haven’t heard anything from them in a bit. There was some difficulty with them not wanting to deal with the printer situation and I don’t think there was ever a finalized product.

If you are feeling inspired and have the opportunity to get them printed to bring and the patience to deal with money/online transfers/checks/etc, feel free to start working on it. Remember to check out the rules about using the PostCrossing logo.

Hi -

Ok , a few things—

  1. I can commit to getting the file prepared & ready to go to a printer. However, I don’t have the time to deal with funds gathering, printer conversations, etc. I live in the middle of the country 1hr. 1 way From a bigger city where such things could be attended. I am not a good point person to get it printed.

  2. I am seeing Summer in person later this month on the 27th. It was my goal to discuss the proof at that time , give her some feedback on the working proof and finalize it and update you but you’ve beat me to the punch, lol!

  3. at that time, I need someone to step up and spearhead the printing process.
    We still have some time. Can that person pls email me at amabhakti@gmail.com. And make sure to write “Lexington PC meetup”.
    This platform is cumbersome to communicate depth conversations & I will need to Dropbox or email the finalized file to you anyway.

  4. In the meantime I will let Summer know we’re game on. She’s the designer of the card. I have a background in photography so I also have an “eye” and we are buddies.
    We presently have a working proof that needs some aesthetic tweaking which I’ll get to later this month when I see her .

  5. Once we finalize it in early May,
    Myself or Summer will drop in here again with the FINALIZED PROOF & one of
    Is will also email it . At this point, as I mentioned,
    Someone will have to take the reins (get it? Reins!!) :racehorse:
    And finalize the convos, money etc.
    To get the job finished.

  6. Good? Hope so. Let me know if any concerns.
