Las Vegas Meetup March 16, 2024

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Las Vegas, Nevada
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: 8872 Niche Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89149
:calendar: DATE: March 16, 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 1:00-3:00 pm
:page_facing_up: MEETUP Plan: See Below


Meetup Plan

  1. Meetup Card status is updated below. Cards are on a pre-order basis. The price is based on cost only. There are no designer costs, etc. Payment will be expected at the event.
  2. There will be a take and leave table. Please bring cards to contribute.
  3. This is going to be a fun St Patrick’s Day theme with some activities, prizes and raffles :star_struck:
  4. There will be an area for stamping or signing meetup cards for those who are interested. My name is too big for a readable stamp so I’ll just live vicariously through those with a smaller name Lol
    Guests must RSVP This location is a private residence. Right now guest number is at 20. This includes all people in your party. RSVP closed on March 13, 2024***
    Will update as things are coming together

I am interested! It’s a soft yes! If you need room, I am sure my husband would have plenty to do while I attend!

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I am interested :smile:

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This is the week I am planning to be in Las Vegas (visiting my parents) - I am interested!

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Las Vegas
Does anyone ever have meetups in Vegas. I am interested in helping get one together. Anyone else?


I’m interested!

Hi there!
My friend and I floated the idea of hosting a meetup in Vegas, but we never got around to it. I’m interested, contingent on my schedule. :slight_smile:
Are you thinking of doing one in February?

In February I am going to the meet in Aberdeen, Washington. I would like to work with someone on creating a meet but not sure where to start :grinning:

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@anon72566616 Awesome, thank you! I have a couple of ideas we can discuss. Let’s continue the conversation offline :smiley:

Tried to send you pm. If you don’t get it pm me


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New Thread for this topic :grinning:

Also tentative yes for me! – Just have to adjust some scheduling :sweat_smile: Recently did a road trip around Nevada, so would love to go back for a postcrossing event!

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Before I can plan this any further I am not sure if there is enough interest for me to plan this event. Las Vegas is a large city and I don’t have the resources to fund a nice meetup. If it’s less than 10 people we can just have the meet up at my house. lol kind of looking like the lack of interest at this time is not making the event worthwhile. The expectations of a meetup card is stressing me out and I don’t see the point of spending a few hundred to design a card that like less than 10 people want to buy. It is giving me sleepless nights. Idk if anyone is willing to take on the card part let me know and we can partner on this. If not then reply if interested in a St Patrick’s Day themed postcard meetup with raffles and prizes but no official cards (unless someone wants to take that on). :grinning:

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I’m still fairly new to postcrossing so don’t really know what a meetup entails. Look forward to hearing final details as I am somewhat free (have family visiting that weekend but not sure our schedule). Thank you!



Just wanted to share a small congrats for your willingness to host.

Friendly reminder - there doesn’t have to be a card; if you do have a Meetup card, it doesn’t have to be fancy. My first two Meetup card prints (300-500ct) were less than $100 through Vistaprint. Vistaprint also allows you to use your own design or photo. I put a stamp collage together for my first one. Vistaprint also offers free help dialing in the design (to ensure the print comes out perfect)…all for the same cost.

Another thing on the cost issue: there’s no mandate for prizes. It can be as casual as 10 people at your home, a cafe, or library hanging out and signing cards. People really love just gathering together, especially if it’s such an eclectic hobby as writing and mailing postcards.

Anyway, kudos to you - and we are cheering you on!


I just booked my flights to Las Vegas and I will be there on the 16th - please move me from “maybe” to 'YES!"

If you are taking pre-orders or just gauging how many Meetup cards to buy (if you plan on doing a meetup card). Please put me down for 25 - let me know how much that will be and if you want payment in advance or if I can bring you $$ to the meeting. :slight_smile:

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Saturday I am going to a meetup in Aberdeen so I will get some ideas of how I want to put things together. As of right now there is not a card. I am still looking at this as a possibility and will update in a few days. There has literally only been a handful say they are interested so we will see. However, I have to finalize details based on the number that have responded to start putting things together. After this weekend I will put more information out. Looking forward to meeting you :grinning::star_struck:

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@anon72566616 Good for you for setting up a meetup! There had never been one near me (FL Panhandle) and now I’ve done one the last 2 years! I like the smaller meetups best - up to 10 people. That way everyone can talk to everyone! And, a good-size coffee shop works great. (And is free!) I’ve designed my own postcards with my own photo of the beach and used Vista Print. I thought it was very reasonable - and they’re fast. You’ve got lots of picture options in Vegas! Or, if it turns out to be just a couple people, maybe you can purchase a stack of retail postcards and people can write the meetup info on the back. I can get local tourist cards at the Walmarts here for about 20-25 cents each. A tourist shop would probably give you a discount on a big stack of them. And, of course, people expect to pay you the cost of the postcards.
I wish I could join you! And don’t worry - however many people make it for this one, you’ll have more for the next one!


@anon72566616 - I just went to Sunrise Coffee near Sunset & Eastern. Pretty decent size and has an outside patio. Can be a little loud with the planes flying over, but central and it’s independent!

I look forward to joining even if it’s a small group!

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Update on meeting
I will update about a card this week. After using my own thinking and other people’s advice I am not going to pay for someone to “design” a card. The price of a small amount of cards as in this meet (per interest) would honestly just put me in a money hole. I don’t think most people want a $1+ card
That is what it would cost.