July 22, 2024 | Postmark Posse Honors Alex Trebek | USPS FDOI | Culver City and Marina del Rey, CA

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Culver City, CA (FDOI Ceremony) | Marina del Rey, CA (post-FDOI meetup)
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Sony Pictures Studios | IHOP MdR
:calendar: DATE: Monday, July 22, 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 4:00pm | 6:30pm

Please RSVP using the links below:

USPS First Day of Issue Ceremony

Update 7/15: The meetup registration is now closed. Thank you everyone, it’s going to be a great event next Monday. Those who RSVP’d for the meetup and indicated they wanted their cards mailed to them should have received an email from me. If you have any questions, please feel free to send me a private message. Thanks!

:dollar: will pay at door

@tianye4869 30
@goldenstatepc 10
@onlyonemrabe82 20 :dollar:
@bookclubgirl 10 (PAID all)
@trickykid1 10 :dollar:
@tresgatos 40
@luckycherry 20 (PAID all)
@mywrites2you 10 (PAID all)
@Cardiffgal 20 (PAID cards)
@irenemg 40 (PAID all)
@reigndollknight :dollar: room fee
@sand2sand 20
@ohhsayy 20 (PAID all)
@Angelthepup22 30 (PAID all)
@geetikasinha7 10 (PAID all)
@misslyss 20 (PAID all)
@cookiedoe 10
[Phoebe Mari] (I am holding 20 for you, awaiting confirmation)
@KOH24 20 :dollar:
@zipfoil 10
@llmike007 20

USPS Press Release

CLUE: One of America’s most revered game-show hosts, a Canadian turned American who has risen to the highest levels of pop culture status.
ANSWER: Who is Alex Trebek, of course!

If you’ve been following the USPS stamp issues for a while now, you know that it is VERY rare for the Postal Service to issue a stamp tied to any “brand name” institution (Dungeons and Dragons coming up in August is another notable exception to this rule). Some might argue that this is really an Alex Trebek stamp which just happens to feature a Jeopardy! motif. Either way, Jeopardy! as we know it probably wouldn’t be what it is known for today, without Alex Trebek’s candor, quick wit, and his unique way to unite millions of fans through TV screens.

You know we had to get @cookiedoe back to do the artwork for this meetup card!
(Her previous works include the UCLA/ John Wooden FDOI and Westpex/ Floral Geometry FDOI cards.)

Please note: If you will be attending the First Day of Issue ceremony, Thou shall not pass through the gates of Sony Pictures Studios without an RSVP! You can RSVP here: FDOI Ceremony RSVP

If you will be attending the FDOI ceremony, rest assured – I will be there and make sure you get your cards before you leave so that you get that oh-so-coveted FDOI postmark.

We will be meeting at the International House of Pancakes (doesn’t that just sound fancy) after the meetup, please PLEASE make sure you have the following address saved in your GPS, as there is an IHOP closer to the Sony Studios but that’s not the one we’re going to.

6:30pm-9:00pm We will have a private room, for “Postcrossing”
IHOP :pancakes:
4070 Lincoln Blvd.
Marina del Rey, CA 90292

There will be a $5 door fee (this also applies to your +1’s) to cover the cost of booking the meetup room. You can pay the fee in advance or at the door. Please note that while food/ drink purchase is NOT required, your room fee doesn’t count toward any food/ drink that you order, and you are on your own for any food. (Although there may be some light appetizers floating around the room if you catch my drift :ghost: )

So excited to have another FDOI ceremony in the LA area so soon! Take care, stay safe in the summer heat and see you in July! :palm_tree:

In the meantime, check out this clip and let me know how many you answered correctly! :mailbox_with_mail:
Jeopardy! Category: Icons on Stamps - June 2024

A special announcement from Postcrossing admins:
:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.


That’s awesome. Have a great time ya all, would like a postcard to swap :heart::smiling_face:

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I can’t be there, but would also like to trade for one of your meetup cards. Even one without the cancellation would be fine. I have meetup cards (and other types of cards if you prefer).

Some of my meetup offers are here, and I have a couple more to add. Meetup Cards For Trade | Flickr


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Oooh this is awesome @llmike007 so excited! Looking forward to an amazing postcard design by @cookiedoe
I wanna attend this but as many of you know I don’t drive after my surgery. I’m looking for options to get there and back. Is anyone heading up from Pasadena or passing through Pasadena who would be open to ridesharing or offering a ride? Had it been weekend, it wouldn’t have been a problem for me. I’d be happy to chip in for gas and other expenses!
Thanks for this :slight_smile:


There’s always a first for everything (including a weekday meetup), so I’m in for this! Plus I loved Jeopardy being a trivia junkie. See you then!


TEMPTING!!! Oh so dang tempting to come up!! :laughing: Lemme think about it!!


I am always looking for an excuse to leave work early in the summertime. This looks like a great excuse. Looking forward to it!


Let me know when it gets closer if you’re able to get a ride. I’d be happy to come get you!


Thank You Jaymi, that’s incredibly kind of You! I will be sure to let you know closer to the date :heart:


Thank you for organizing! Looking forward to it!

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I love Pasadena just don’t get over there much. This will be the perfect “excuse” to visit.


Thank you Jaymi! Woot woot! :sunglasses: :oncoming_automobile:

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yes!!! finally a meetup that’s not early in the morning :laughing: ! i can’t make it to the 4 pm meeting, but i’ll be at the IHOP with bells on!

gotta say i am a little bummed that they’re issuing yet another commercial stamp, when it used to be a rule that they didn’t (recent ones in memory being star wars, peanuts, marvel comics, simpsons, multiple disney releases, bugs bunny, and sesame street (which i love anyway–i’m not heartless!)), but stamp rules have changed a lot over time; people don’t have to be dead ten years (presidents always having been excluded from that) to be on stamps anymore, either.

so excited to finally meet some fellow postcrossers :grin: .



@llmike007 I don’t remember, how many cards did I order? Can I order 20? I think my RSVP went through last week?

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@tresgatos Thanks for reaching out! Yes, I can confirm that you RSVP’d 20. LMK if you would like more!

For everyone else – Thanks for your quick RSVP’s! We already have 13 folks committed – yay! I will post the list of names, card quantities, etc. after work tonight.

Happy Tuesday! :taco:

ah what the heck sign me up for 40 cards. I think they will be popular and will go fast. Please let me know how much

Will there be a FDOI postmark? I didn’t see it listed here: How to Order the First-Day-of-Issue Digital Color or Traditional Postmarks.

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@tresgatos Very good, I’ll put you down for 40! Thank you!
To your question, I’m about 95% sure there will be an FDOI postmark. Check this out - First Day cover
I surmise the link you shared, the USPS staff are probably behind on updating it.


Both RSVP forms submitted! And payment sent for the door fee + 20 cards.

I’m sooo excited for this! Thank you so much for organizing this so last minute @llmike007!

You’re A M A Z I N G :star2:


I RSVP’d and I can’t wait to go to my first meetup. Does anyone have any recommendations or tips/tricks on how to prep so I don’t get overstimulated/overwhelmed. Thanks in advance :blush:


@KOH24 Hi Valerie! Thanks for the RSVP and for reaching out here. What a great event you’ve chosen as your first meetup – if I do say so myself. :smiley:

Great question! I will defer to my Posse for their general recommendations, however if you’ll indulge me, I can chime in regarding the First Day of Issue ceremony itself.

Having attended a previous FDOI ceremony which also had a meetup and meetup card associated with it, we as a group were a little overwhelmed by the “oohs” and “aahs” from non-Postcrossing associated attendees who were gawking over the card that was designed. I suppose it’s a good problem to have (lol), however please don’t feel obligated to give away any of your stash of cards that you rightfully paid for. If anything, I will be at the FDOI event, and if anyone approaches you with questions regarding the meetup or the card, you can point them my way.

I hope that helps! I’m stoked you’ll be joining us! :star: