Ingersoll Meetup July 20th 2024

:world_map: Ingersoll, Ontario
:round_pushpin: The Lions Den on Thames Street
:calendar: DATE: July 20th 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11:00 am until we are done
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Old friends and new getting together for our once a year meetup.

This year you will be responsible to bring or buy your own lunch but we suggest everyone bring a snack or dessert to share.

We usually have a table for those that want to swap cards or donate extras plus we encourage members to bring their most interesting or rarest card to “show and tell” .

I’m also looking for suggestions for quizzes or games we can play.

I will be designing a meeting card but anyone else can also design one. I’d love to trade for one of those.
LyndaC (me)
Cathy Sydney
Tracey (Unicorn11)
Jona Mejico
Shelley Meier
SophiePets (Chocolate4ever}
Liz Carrington
Lindsay Dodge
Sherie and Pat
Michelle (Metalbird)
DragonflyMama + Avery and a friend


Here is the card. Depending on the number I print they will cost .50 cents.


Thank you for the invite! I would like to come, but I have my sister here from Florida for a month during that time. She does not postcross but I would love to get her involved. If I could bring her along as a guest then I will come, or if the meet up is only for a couple of hours.
Thank you.

Your sister is welcome to come we always have a few non-postcrossers at the meeting. The meeting is casual. some people come early and some leave early. Come for lunch stay for as long as you wish.
Would love to see you there Sherrie.

Thank you, please add our names, Sherrie and Pat.

Please let me know if you wish some cards.

Your cards look amazing!!! I look forward to this meet up. I hope my car and i will make it!!

What address do i put in google maps?

I’ll be free that day but I’ll need to research how to get there!

Look at the event in Postcrossing Canada.right address.

58 Thames St S. Ingersoll. Train is about 200 metres away. Lions Club is opposite Tim Hortons.

Thanks for the address. My room is booked!! See you on July 20!!

Hi Lynda,
Thank you for organizing a meet-up again. I would love to come if there’s still room. I’ll take 30 postcards please :slight_smile:
For games, I like What’s on your phone or round table Would you rather - this is a good ice breaker.
I look forward to hearing from you :slight_smile:
Many thanks,
Asta (an-asta-sia)

Lots of room. I will put 30 away for you.

Hello, I’m Michelle. I’m interested in attending! I’m relatively new to postcrossing - so if there’s anything I should know for the meetup, please LMK!

Thanks! Looking forward to meeting everyone!

Hi Lynda,
Avery & I will both be able to come if you still have room.

Lots of room.Glad you can make it

Just be ready to sign your name 250 times at least

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Hello. I would like to receive such a postcard.
My offer

Avery may be bringing a friend, if that’s OK.