In English - visitors corner

Yeah! We hope they won’t increse again for at least 2 or 3 more years!

Thank you all!

Hello friends!

Tell me, is there a post office in San Marino?
When I was there, I was not yet interested in postcrossing, unfortunately.

If there is a post office and someone can send me a postcard from there, I am ready to offer for exchange a postcard from Northern Cyprus - also a rare destination.

Details in my profile or 🪦 RIP 🪦 - Trilliput BBS

Ciao amici!

Dimmi, c’è un ufficio postale a San Marino?
Quando ero lì, purtroppo, non ero ancora interessato al postcrossing.

Se c’è un ufficio postale e qualcuno può mandarmi una cartolina da lì, sono pronto a offrire in cambio una cartolina da Cipro Nord, anche questa una destinazione rara.

Dettagli nel mio profilo o 🪦 RIP 🪦 - Trilliput BBS

Hello @anon52138539
Yes, San Marino has its own postal system, with own stamps. If you visit it, many souvenir shops that sells postcards also sell stamps, and you can use them to send from San Marino.
Unfortunatly I live far from San Marino, but I’ll share your request in the Italian comunity :slight_smile:

Europe is lost for us.
So next visit may be in next life :frowning:

Dear Italian friends,

A question about postcards shops… Do you have any online shop that sells postcards with Italian celebrities and can send orders to the Netherlands? I know quite many postcrossers who will be happy to get a postcard with Italian movie icons like Adriano Celentano, Sophia Loren, Ornella Muti etc. but I have no clue where I can get those postcards.

Grazie mille in anticipo!


I thinks it is quite impossible for everyone :-/

it is difficult to find online shops that sell that kind of postcards
it is even more difficult to find online shops that send orders to other countries

there are italian postcards about some italian actors and singers: the maxicards realised for their stamps (*)

but those are difficult to find 1.because they usually were issued in the past and in Italy the online shop of Poste Italiane only sells stamps issued last year (and local postal offices too) 2.because the online shops of Poste Italiane do not send orders to other countries

be aware that italian government+Poste Italiane only issue stamps about dead people (Celentano, Muti, Loren are still alive) so there are no stamps/maxicards about them

maybe you can try to search on ebay?

(*) some examples
Dettaglio francobollo - catalogo completo dei francobolli italiani Fellini
Dettaglio francobollo - catalogo completo dei francobolli italiani Pavarotti


Hello Italian Friends,

This Facebook post from the Secretaries of Juliet (in Verona) just popped up on my feed and I am looking for a postcrosser who is kindly willing to send me a postcard with this postmark on

I was fortunate to visit and volunteer as a secretary in 2022, my then-boyfriend now fiancé actually proposed right after I wrote letters replied to people who were sending letters to Juliet so Verona and the Club holds a special place in our heart

Please DM me if you can help me obtain this postmark, I’ll of course send a card in return, hopefully also with a special postmark from the UK :uk:

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@Jupie maybe you can help?


@hoiyeeanita pm sent

(no more requests to me pls, I’m running out my monthly budget :sweat_smile:)

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Hi everyone!

I’ll be visiting Rome in March and plan to use travel mode at the official PC. Also I know there is a post office in Vatican so I’d like to send some cards with the “VA” ID. But as far as I know the IP should be local, previously when I tried switching to travel mode using my Polish SIM in other countries Postcrossing refused to allow this like I’m still in Poland and have Polish IP. I can borrow a smartphone from my local friend with an Italian SIM and pick Italy, but does this allow to switch to Vatican too? Or rather should I look for a WiFi in Vatican (which seems to not exist at all)?
Maybe someone here have such experience? :slight_smile:

Hello @Jori8
Some friends of mine tried to find a Vatican City WiFi but had no luck, even inside the Vatican City post office. But they wrote to the Postcrossing support, which temporary changed their country to Vatican City for the day they were there, so they could use VA ID in travel mode.

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Thank you @Iside82, I’ll try to do so.

Just to add, you have to be on local WiFi (or indeed, local SIM) to use Travel Mode. For the Vatican, you will have to contact Postcrossing a few days before, so they can switch the ID manually. I don’t think there is WiFi there.

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Buon Giorno :wave:

My mother Rosi is a very big fan of Italy and studies Italian every day. We traveled together to visit Napoli a few times already as well. :slight_smile:

She doesn’t have a Postcrossing account but I’m sure she’ll be more than excited for some surprise mail directly from someone in Italy in Italian. :slightly_smiling_face:

I want to surprise her and in return I’m happy to send you a nice, decorated card from Germany, matching your interests.

Let me know if you’d like to help me make my mom smile.


Ciao Anna! Of course, I can send a card to your mother :slight_smile:

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Dming you :smiling_face: thank you

Hi! I’m Italian but I live in Germany. Would that be ok too for your mother?

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Hi Anna! I would love to send your mum a card, what kind of postcard does she like?

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I’d love to send one postcard for your mom :blush:

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