In English - visitors corner

This place is for every postcrosser who wants to ask something to the Italian community but doesn’t know the language. Here you can write in English :slight_smile:


I’m learning Italian now .it should be fun to read both in English and Italian


In the last few weeks, I’ve developed a bit of an obsession for Italy. So, while browsing Italian postcards, I naturally also browse stamps. Just went through the entire catalogue for 2020, and there are an enormous amount of men on those. Only two women, one with a man and one not even Italian. So, I would love it if you could share with me older stamps recognizing women.

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@borealis In 2020 I count three: Florence Nightingale (no needs presentation :wink: ), Fedora Barbieri (mezzo-soprano) and Sandra Mondaini (with her husband Raimondo Vianello - they’ve been an iconic couple of italian TV and they were much linked one to the other):
20fed nightingale 20via

and if you count this it’s one more:

It’s Nilla Pizzi’s silhouette at Sanremo song festival of 1951, from a famous photo:

There’s also a stamp of 2019 dedicated to her:

In 2018 was the turn of Mia Martini, another italian singer, and four women as excelleces of knowledge (mathematician, poet, philosopher, naturalist):


In 2016, Francesca Saverio Cabrini (nun) and Anna Magnani (actress):
16magn 16cab

For 2021 there are on issue plan at least three women:

  • Settimia Spizzichino (the only survivor to the Raid of the Rome’s Ghetto in 1943)
  • Giulietta Masina (actress)
  • Alida Valli (actress)

@Melody1 sembra proprio una domanda fatta per te :slight_smile:

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Hello @borealis! In fact, Italian production does not count a large number of female stamps. I can help you in knowing these stamps by pointing out my publication that you can find described here , and the related periodic updates that are available for free here (the language used is Italian). If you need more informations, you can contact me privately.

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Thank you.
I’m not actually a philatelist, I just look to see what other countries produce, as Norway have very few stamps out every year. I just thought there was a major discrepancy, with so many stamps released every year, and yet so few women and sooo many men.

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That’s right, unfortunately there is a great discrepancy in the Italian production.

Is someone willing to make an Italy countdown in this section?

countdown for what? :slight_smile:

an ID countdown. When will Italy have the ID IT-600000 for example.
Habe a look here:

12.000 cards left - more or less - to IT600000, maybe later, it would be cool!

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yesterday: IT-590000 :slight_smile:

Today I received

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2 days ago I got IT - 591049, and just now IT - 591232 :slight_smile:

“Riproduzione vietata” means “reproduction prohibited”
“Fotocolor” may be the name of the printer. It is a common name for a printing house because it means colored photos
“Ediz.” is short for “Edizioni” and “Ediz. Milani” means that Milani is the publisher of the card
“Telef.” is short for “Telephone number”. It is very short because you had to add the dialing code of Pistoia to complete it.
Pistoia is the city were the card was printed.

On the front, the rubber stamp says Vatican City mail service, and the stamp was issued by the Vatican City mail service. The words “infirmos visitare” on it are Latin, and mean “to visit the sick” and is one of the works of mercy of Catholic church


Hi guys,

I’m looking for people from Sardegna ! My grands-parents were from Sardegna and went to France during or after WWII. They were from Ulassai.

I would love to speak with you and know more about your island !

Take care,


Hello :slight_smile:
I am looking for this postcard

from Italy :slight_smile:
Anybody has these for swapping? :heart: happy to help with your wishes in return!

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hi and welcome here! I spread the word in my italian postcrosser FB group so maybe you can find someone!!