I'll send postcards to ANYONE from Ukraine

I typically get a ton of Postcards to Germany, Ukraine, and Russia. However, lately, I have not gotten any to Ukraine. This breaks my heart! If anyone needs postcards where they are currently located or even if they are still in the country, I will send them to you.
I am so sad for what it going on in your world and wish I could send someone something to let them know I care!



I too would like to join you on this amazing gesture. :ukraine: :broken_heart:


I applaud the initiative. Would like to join as well.


We just need some addresses now. The saddest thing is that our beloved Ukranians are to busy finding safety to be worrying about postcards…
Sending all my love! :sunrise:


A check of the Postal Monitor shows that the USA, at least, is NOT sending mail to Ukraine :disappointed:
A while ago, at the suggestion of a fellow forum member, I sent Postcrossing messages to all the Ukrainians who I had sent or received a card from in the past. It wasn’t much, but it did give me a feeling that I had tried to care for Postcrossing friends.

EDIT: I did a quick check, and you folks from the UK can still send cards to the Ukraine.


I would be delighted to do this too. I did send a message to the one person I had received a card from and she really appreciated the support.


Thank you all so much for the responses! I appreciate the information. I was worried as well that there may be no people for the cards to go to OR no mailboxes! It is a great idea to email them through Postcrossing. I will start doing this today. Thank you so much for the idea.



Wonderful people.

Would like to got one. @POSTALSAURUS

I, too have been messaging the two Ukrainians from whom I’ve received cards, but I have not heard from them for a long time and neither of them has been “seen” on Postcrossing for over a month and I am so sad and worried.

The Postal Monitor now suggests that the US is sending mail to Ukraine again? But I do not know if mail will be received, of course, or even if the people are sill at their old addresses. If any Ukrainian Postcrossers come to this thread, I, too would love to send you cards and good wishes.

I’ve been purchasing digital downloads from Ukrainian artists on Etsy, turning the downloads into postcards (with permission) and sending them to Postcrossers.


Yes, the US is sending mail to both Ukraine and Belarus again; we still don’t send to Russia.


Good day. I’m from Ukraine. I am currently in Poland. My husband will take me and my two sons before the war, for which I am very grateful to him, because my children do not know what sirens and explosions are. But I know what war is, because my husband fought in eastern Ukraine for 3 years, in the hottest spots. Our relatives stayed in Ukraine, our friends are dying defending their home. Ukraine is very strong, but we have problems with the government.
I would be grateful if you send me a postcard. Sincerely. Glory to Ukraine .


Please give me your address and I will send a welcome gift! What do your kids like?

Im glad you are safe in Portland!


Thank you very much.
So my kids are safe. My husband did everything for this.
I am sincerely grateful to you for the postcard.
My sons are 3 years and 8 months old. Senior loves cars and space. We have everything in the planets.
My address.

address removed by moderator
please don’t make it public and sent it via PM

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I just received postcard from Ukraine last week (sent from Lviv) and I received postcard from Russia (throu official website), so we don’t send postcards but we do receive them? Thank you

We CAN send & receive postal items (cards, letters, etc.) to and from Ukraine.
We CAN receive items from Russia.
We CAN NOT send items to Russia.
This is all due to US Government orders.


Hello, im from Ukraine! Thank you very much for worrying about our people, now we have a really difficult situation in our country. I know this because I live in Zaporozhye, and this is very close to the front line. Please give as much publicity as possible to everything that happens in our country. Слава Україні :heart::ukraine:


Hi. I’m from Ukraine. Thank you for supporting us! now it is very important!


Hello, Ira:

A warm New Jersey (USA) greeting to you and your family. I pray that you and the children are still safe, far from the areas under Russian attack. We see the results of Russian shelling on the news every day, but I worry that (after six months of war news) people are becoming numb to the horror of these crimes.

You asked for postcards several weeks ago. I did not see your request until today. If I’m not too late, I would be pleased to send something now.

Just send me a message with your postal mailing address.

Sincerely yours,
Morristown, New Jersey, USA

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Hello. I just saw your message today. Lots of chores around the house. I sincerely thank you for your sympathy. So I am safe, but reading the news every day hurts my soul. My family is in Ukraine, reading the news I can’t imagine all the horror that is happening there. My values ​​have changed so much since the beginning of the war, now money is not the most important thing for me. But I became very irritable, I can’t express all my feelings and emotions, I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what will happen to my state.

I would be grateful for a postcard, because after the release of the stamp about the Russian ship, I started collecting stamps, the theme for me is military.