I'll send postcards to ANYONE from Ukraine

Hello friends,
How are you all doing?
I managed to find three wonderful young people from Ukraine who would very much love to get messages of support and if you have a card you can spare, of course, they will be very greatful to receive it.
Just tag them to start a conversation:


I can’t thank you enough!

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Hello guys,
I’m a refugee from Ukraine. Logged in to Postcrossing yesterday and found out several people sent postcards to my Ukrainian address in February, I didn’t receive anything because all buildings in our district have been looted and arsoned, including the post office and my home. If anyone wants to send me a postcard, I’ll be very grateful!


Hello from Ukraine ! :blue_heart: :yellow_heart:

Thank you for your concern and support !
It is very important to know that so many people stand with us !

Please send me a card, I will appreciate it very much :blue_heart: :yellow_heart:

My address:

address removed by moderator
please don’t make private informations public and share it via PM instead

With kind thoughts and best wishes, :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:


Hello, Mirtl:

My answer is yes, I would be most happy to send you a postcard… or even a real letter, if you like. I am an American girl, visually challenged, and an enthusiastic Postcrosser since 2018.
I have several regular pen pals in Ukraine. Two of them live in Zaporhizhia.
If you wish to receive a card from me, just let me have your current address.
With every good wish,
Morristown, New Jersey, USA


Pryvit Mirtl!
I’ll send you a card! Can you pleaseDM me your address?


The United States Postal Service does NOT SEND mail to Belarus or Russia, but DOES SEND to Ukraine.

All three countries send mail to the US.

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Hello. Ind like to get a card if its still active

Hello @pentaconich !
I never saw your post here. Sorry. I am happy to send you a card.
DM me your address, please!

Dear friends!
We have just finished packing lots of amazing goodies which are going to Ukraine to help those in need, including the amazing heros and heroines.
Stay strong!
We are still here, supporting you!

:uk: :ukraine: :uk: :ukraine: :uk: :ukraine: :uk: :ukraine: :uk: :ukraine:


Hello everyone!

I just found this topic and I’m pleasantly shocked! You’re amazing! All of you.
Your support and kindness have no limits.

THANK YOU! :heart: :heart: :heart:



G’day. I am Diana from Australia.
For the past six months I have been working with a group called Postcards to the Front. We write postcard messages of support to frontline personnel in Ukraine. We try to write in Cyrillic. These postcards are distributed in care packages. So far Australia has sent 11,679 cards.
I am currently preparing a package as a direct exchange. If there are any Ukrainian Postcrossers who have any requests (postcards or otherwise) please message me. I can’t promise I can meet big requests but I can try and send a few care packages.
Slava Ukraini!


hi @secondhandrose, awesome that you are working with / support Postcards to the Front in Australia! @Damage has been doing amazing work with this project for over two years now. :clap:
For anyone interested in learning more about this project to send messages of support to Ukraine’s front line Defenders, check out the Canada branch website, Postcards to the Front (Canada). You can find a handy sheet of phrases that you can use to write in Ukrainian, along with other information, tips, etc.

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