I must share my joy at this treasure trove

My city has a lot of tourist postcards, but not many cards on other subjects. In the name of affordable variety, from time to time I go on the hunt and search the local charity and secondhand shops for undiscovered treasures.

And today I got lucky!! :two_hearts:

  • Fifteen single cards from a women’s non-profit shop on all sorts of topics, including five “illustrated map of Canada” cards (popular with many recipients).
  • A sealed bag of 18 beautiful art cards from Europe.
  • Another sealed bag containing 102 (!!!) unused vintage-but-not-the-desirable-kind-of-vintage postcards. These look to be from the 1960s, mainly depicting attractions in small towns in British Columbia (example: “THE PEACH BOWL – beautiful new convention center in Penticton, B.C., Canada. Fully air conditioned and overall custom sound system!”). Most of these are astoundingly dull if not outright ugly, and look more than a little ludicrous to modern eyes. They’ll be perfect for a spot of dĂ©tournement in Goody Two Shoes / Chaotic Nonsense and the other more freewheeling RRs on Postcrossing :disguised_face:

While I’ll probably end up re-donating a lot from that last bag, there are enough funny little finds among them to make those 102 cards well worth the three dollars I spent on them :laughing:

Has anyone else had any great finds lately? I’d love to hear your stories!


I love these kind of cards, so you never know when you might find a home for them. I have cards for petrol stations, the Spam museum, town halls, a grain elevator - even an interstate.


It’s great to read that such a find can bring so much joy! And then … you’ll be spreading it around too! :dancer:

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I honestly think you’d be surprised by the number of people who would find those cards absolutely delightful, really!


Congratulations on your find. I love the hunt for postcard treasures.


I’m counting on using a few of these as niche-interest cards, too. I’m really happy about it. (And if I receive your address in Postcrossing, for sure I’ll look for a fun one for you!)


Actually I do think some of them are quite endearing, in their way. And where they’re not, I can always paste a gigantic kitten or similar looming over the unsuspecting town :slight_smile:


Please send out the”undesirable” cards!
That are the ones that make me curious and tell a story.
Enjoy your found treasure!


Spam museum??? Will wonders never cease! (Googles the Spam Museum gift shop online…)


Link to the Spam Museum.
Link to the Spam Museum’s gift shop.
Link to Monty Python’s Spam sketch.

…I would go to there if I could :slight_smile:


With thanks to @msgforjohn


What a wonderful find, and this quote made me laugh - I can just imagine what they look like. I haven’t been in any secondhand stores since the pandemic, and now I really want to try and find something good!



Now I am wondering why the General Post Office needed a helicopter field…


I was thinking the same thing. I would probably love them. But I love quirky and vintage and Canadian!


Me too! This has just given me a really good idea.

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What a great find and a great bargain too! I love receiving vintage cards.

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I love the vintage cards! If you are interested in swap we can exchange 5:5, just let me know :slight_smile:

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I have a friend who works for the Department of Transportation. They still make cards showing interstate roads, construction zones, and toll booths. I dont have the heart to send these to anyone.


Oh good!

(Please tell us what it is?)

Some of my cards are exactly like that.

To the true connoisseur of the highway works, I am sure it is enthralling, but to me such cards are vastly improved by the addition of a Godzilla or two. Or possibly a gaggle of cartoon ducks.