How has your enjoyment of PC changed over time?

IF we can assume that on a scale of 0-10, everyone starts with 10 being all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and raring to go. Then they find out how long it takes to get started, so the enjoyment-rating versus effort and money invested will probably decrease a bit. Or a lot.

On that basis, if 0 = I’m leaving, and 10 = love it love it love it, where are you now?*

(I’m really talking about the main PC site where “official” cards are sent and received, but I guess that other activities such as tags swaps trades round robins offers and this forum should be taken into account.)

*If anyone reading this is on a zero on that scale, I doubt they’d be reading this and about to answer. :upside_down_face:

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I am still all the way up at 10, though that may be influenced by drawing addresses in three countries I had not previously had any exchanges with this week.

I also took a break from Postcrossing for about a year, starting again in December so that may also be a factor.

  1. My cource as PC is short. Probably will my figure on scale increase.

I’m a newbie here, just started receiving postcards.

My limit in official postcrossing just increased to 6, and I have sent around 35 postcards including both forum games and official.

But I’ve already seen profiles without any information about their owners and long lists of likes and dislikes and that makes me sad.

Fortunately I’ve also received nice cards with long messages and sweet hurray reactions.

So I’d say 9/10


I’m somewhere around eight.

When I first joined, the most fun part was reading and writing in English. Fifteen years later, the language has become something ordinary for me - I’ve been thinking in English for nearly a decade! Now Postcrossing is about connecting with people and trying to make them smile.


I have been on Postcrossing for several years and enjoy it now as much as ever. The great cards and Hurray messages I have received more than make up for the occasional frustration.


6/10 and falling, at the moment. I’m in a bit of a slump. Will likely bounce back when this &#$§!! pandemic is over.


I’ve been doing postcrossing for a few years now and I still think I’m close to a 10. My young son has gotten involved more now also so it’s a family thing we share together. I can get discouraged when I draw the same country back to back to back, but realize that it is all part of it. I can honestly say my obsession with postcards is more now then when I started. Lol
It’s brought out my creative side more. I enjoy the connections to people wherever and whoever they may be. So all in all…I think I’m still at a 10. :grinning:


For me it is still a 10 even after almost 8 years. I just love to write postcards and I just love to find happy mail in my mailbox.

The majority of cards send to me are lovely with nice messenges. It’s just great


It has always been a 10 for me and I have been on this site for 14 years. I do take breaks from it, but as someone who has had penpals and postcard pals my whole life, I just love this concept.


If 10 is the maximum, I didn’t start at 10. My enjoyment of PC has actually risen over time and I’m more into it now, after 8.5 years, than ever before. :heart_eyes:



When I feel it’s getting down I make a break. Always. Things I do for fun must have at least 8 or 9/10.


Somewhere between 7 and 10, depending on a day. And that’s a good thing. From what I learned about myself if I’m invested in/enthusiastic about something consistently 10/10 for too long I’m going to burn out quick.


10 for me, for sure. I prob started at an 8.

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Interesting question… Maybe around 8.
The time just after I started was the worst, when I discovered all the wishes and wishlists and general dislikes.

I also had a moment recently when I felt disappointed as a receiver that so many cards felt so impersonal. But it’s a long time since I received anything so that’s faded. That was probably my lowest point.

Overall, my level of activity has never changed. One thing I am enjoying a lot right now is that postage is so cheap where I currently am, I can send without regrets and I enjoy sending probably more than receiving.


Im still in the new phase, as I live in South Africa, and with Covid making it worse, it now takes quite some time to get my cards out. At the moment I have sent all my cards (5) and its been 3 weeks, none delivered so far. But there are so many other things offered on the forums and sites, that my interest and like of the site only grew with time. I have learned a lot already, so I’m not slowing down :smiley: There is still penfriends to be made, lotteries, direct swaps etc. Really loving it.

Edit: I felt like I started at 10, end it still went up from there*


4 at the moment, maybe? It’s frustrating that PTT won’t update their list of countries that are blocked. So although I can exchange penpal mail with many countries on the list, I can’t interact with them through Postcrossing. For the meantime, I’m barely sending anything.

(Yes, I know there are exchanges in the forum. I have zero interest.)

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I was intrigued by this and checked the Postal Monitor, as far as I can see Turkey is not listed so no destinations blocked for Postcrossing.

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I think I now enjoy postcrossing even more than 7 years ago.


Huh. That is a recent change. It’s been the same 150-ish countries every time I’ve looked (obviously not for a while because I was tired of it. :smiley:)

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