How has your enjoyment of PC changed over time?

I have just received a swap from South Africa sent on February 1st, so ca. 6-7 weeks to Poland, I would say. Other countries might be a bit faster, though :slight_smile: Hang on, the cards will arrive! :smiley:


Thank you for the response, I really glad to hear. Looking forward to my first delivery :smiley: :innocent:


I think my enjoyment does go up and down. COVID has certainly impacted. Postcards from Australia can take a long time to arrive anywhere in the world and COVID only made that worse. I enjoy writing postcards and receiving postcards so there is always joy :star_struck: postage increases have also made an impact.


What an interesting topic to think about!

I think my enjoyment never drops below 6-7-ish, but the current ā€œin-focusā€ activities are different. Like there are times Iā€™m mostly doing swaps, there are strictly official site times, different games or communities times.

Also it seems with new forum, my activities made a full cycle of 9 years: same as in beginning of my postcrossing path last autumn I went through a lot of official site, slight disappointment, a lot of forum tags and robins, now into handmade heavilyā€¦

for me itā€™s always an 8 or higher. postcrossing is a hobby and hobbies are to enjoy yourself. when it goes below an 8 i take a break. itā€™s as easy as that. writing cards is not something i need to do, itā€™s something i want to do.

covid has luckily not anything to do with how i enjoy pc. i can still send cards to a lot of countries and whilst it may take longer, they mostly all arrive. iā€™m sending a lot of cards to germany which always arrive fast so i can always send out more than enough cards.


At the beginning my enjoyment at official PC site was really high as I loved applying for new addresses, picking nice cards and sending them to new countries. Same went with private swaps on the official site. At the same time, my interest in any forum activities (tags, RRs and private swaps) was very low.

But with every year the disappointment with cards that I got in return grew as I always sent really beautiful cards with lots of info about the place, but in return got many ā€œstupidā€ cards with ā€œHello from ā€¦ OR Happy Postcrossingā€ written on (there were also exceptions where I got a wonderful card with some info about the place), obviously a product of massive sending.
If the interest in official cards in close to zero today, my interest into private swaps or forum activities is close to 10. I have a much larger chance to get cards that I like, get some info written on cards and sometimes I even get a chance to pick my card.

While I am not interested into getting all pieces of various card series or a card from every country, I have my own list of certain places that I would like to have a card from. And forum able me to get piece by piece via different offers.


I am here since 3 months and for me its a 10! Even if I receive postcards with only one sentence, I am still happy to see it. Maybe it is my profile, that takes influence to the person wo send a card to me, I try to get better.
Buh the main thing is having fun und giving a smile to everyone!

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Absolutely 10/10
Every year the price of the stamps increase and then my enjoyment drops to a 7, or when I receive thin pieces of papers that have nothing to do with postcards.
But the next day I am back up to a 10 :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:.
Postcrossing has changed my life and it is a real passion!

There are times when I am at a high 10 and send several hundred cards in a month and there are times like now where I get into a slump and send a few. Right nowā€¦ probably a 6.

Welcome to Postcrossing, @itsDuncan! Iā€™m happy to send you a postcard if you want!

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I would say that Iā€˜m currently at about 9 - with the pandemic, Iā€˜m so glad that I can write to people in other places and get nice messages and cards from them. Itā€˜s a real pleasure and Iā€˜m often thinking and talking about Postcrossing :wink:
Iā€˜ve been doing Postcrossing for more than 6 years, so in between my enjoyment was a bit lower, especially as I had a lot of social life and was enjoying myself a lot in my ā€žrealā€œ life - Postcrossing was then a lower priority to me and I was sending like one card a month just to keep ā€žactiveā€œ. But with the start of the pandemic, I became totally invested into writing postcards again.