How has the new forum changed your forum experience? :D

Oh wow, I really had no idea that some people felt that way. I hope I have not opened a can of worms :sweat_smile: :dizzy_face: From my usage, I could see some people looked like they would send each other things more often (the RRs seem very much like a community, but it took me 3+ years to just understand how a RR works and when I was considering joining, the pandemic came in and mail is too unreliable for me) and sort of knew each other better, but from the general topics I never thought it would seem that way

I had no idea people felt that way either. I was a member for years and even though I could recognize some “faces” of frequent users, I only had personal interactions with a handful of people. I’ve never even participated in a RR. I would certainly not have noticed if someone was new.
I also have no idea what those “rules” could be.

I like that the New Forum has better support for multimedia capabilities.
And now we can design our Profiles more beautifully.
It’s a pity that just animated avatars are not allowed.
My green skull was rolling its eyes in the old forum. It was nice :slight_smile:



It’s rolling its eyes here too.

My Userpic doesn’t :frowning:
It does only when I put it here as the attached to the text picture.

Some more weeks have gone by and I have new considerations…
The new forum takes so much more of my time than the old one :joy: :joy: :joy: I usually spent 30 seconds a day on the old one as I only checked general topics and occasionally penpals. Sometimes I replied to something, bringing my total time to 5 minutes. Now I could spend hours on it and it reminds me of really vibrant forums I used to frequent years and years ago.
I don’t know if it is just a lot more active (I think it is) or that the new format makes me explore more areas, as I noted before. I think it is a factor and not a bad thing, besides the time issue :smiley:

Activity does seem to have increased a lot and there are SO MANY new people! (and also people I had not noticed before as they were hanging out in other parts of the forum). Not just new to the forum, but newbies that find their way to the forum straight away.


I like the look of the new forum but at the same time I feel nostalgic for the old one? Nostalgic for the look, I mean.

I like tho that we can use gifs and stuff, and it seems less intimidating to me too. The bot and the reply notif system is nice too.
Some things are janky on mobile but overall I like it.

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The new forum feels like a much more friendly place. I visited the old forum occasionally but felt that the presence of a few members made it feel unwelcoming and not a place I would engage in conversation.


Hi all so the NEW forum is great, but of course different to the previous one. Looking at posts for example, where as before I’d see a whole list of them, now I see New Posts or they’re in separate sections, which is great, easy to locate.

In the old forum I once asked the question about “Zero Replies” in that a post never get’s a response, I wonder what happens with them now? That’s if it even happens, that is…

Well thoughts, what’s changed for you? Likes, dis-likes? :slight_smile:

Take care all…

I didn’t participate in the old forum because it looked to confusing when I first checked it out. I started going here because it looked less intimidating.


I found the old Forum very hard to use & figure out, so I mostly didn’t use it - loving the new one - so easy to use!!!


This thread is the same as this one:



Thank you @SailingBy - i move the posts to the other Topic.


I’m not new to forums and have in the past been a moderator on other forums. I found the old one here hard to use, kept logging me out and then not accepting my password and just complicated. This new one is much more user friendly and I find myself coming way more regularly.


I don’t understand what people thought was complicated in the old forum. It worked just like any other forum I had been a part of. Or is that from people who were not used to forums in general.

I still haven’t gotten the use of the side bar for scrolling through the posts/threads. It seems very tedious to me. I don’t know, maybe I’m just not doing it right. I much prefer having threads and posts on several pages if there are a lot of them.

No need for scrolling, if you don’t want to read all the posts in a topic: just click the first date on the scrollbar (or the title above) to jump to the start of the topic, or the date at the end to jump to the last post. Or move the scroll handle to where you want to jump and you’ll be immediately there. :slight_smile:

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I’ve tried to use the old forum when I started Postcrossing but couldn’t figure out the structure and how it worked so I gave up. As the new forum was promoted I gave it a try too and I’m really happy because I feel welcome and a little bit like visiting a well known place. Thank you so much, it us a big plus to Postcrossing to get the chance to talk to others and feel more part of Postcrossing because to all the contact. By the way: my postwoman is happy about all the wonderful cards, too.


YAY! We’re glad to hear that and welcome aboard! :slight_smile:

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I think the flagging system is being abused; apparently if you dont like a comment you can flag it. If you dont like their country or their gender you can flag. If you just dont like someone personally you can flag.
I assume this comment will be deleted by admins.

I agree with you. :roll_eyes:

In this temporarily or definitive closed topic is information about flagging down. Members who flag down only because their personal frustration might get a temporarily or permanent ban. As far as I understand.

Interresting to learn how the flagging works.
I guess it is all human labour by Team to manual check every flag…

The new forum is more “annonymous”, I misschien community like on the old forum.
Edith misschien is miss

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