How fast do you send a postcard?

Same day, unless it’s a Sunday, in which case I send next day.

Rare is the case I’ll draw cards in bunches and chip away. In fact, I can’t recall ever doing it. I prefer to take my time with picking cards and stamps for folks, and I think drawing multiple addresses at once would be overwhelming to me.


I still only go out twice a week, so here are the postcards I’ve written since last Friday. I posted them all this morning. The nice thing is, the recipient doesn’t know I’m writing to them, so when they receive the postcard, they don’t realise it’s been delayed at my house for a few days.


recently i am trying to get addresses past 00:00 and sending them the same day!!! i sleep rather late at night so this works.


In a rare case its been a week…drew names & picked cards on Sunday, then work mode interrupted me. Hope to stamp & write tonight and mail tomorrow (Saturday)


I set it to go out in the days mail we are on. Most of the time if it is already 5pm, I try to wait until midnight so the date will change, but not always. I’m not trying to choose addresses unless I’m ready to write them though.

It depends - I tend to request addresses as soon as a slot opens up for me, but if I forget to buy stamps, I have to wait until Friday to mail the cards.

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I try to send mine within 48 hours of drawing an official address or a round robin closes.


I have an odd desire to minimize travel times, so only request an address when I know it will go out the next morning. I have some open slots that cleared up on Friday, but since the US Post Office was closed today (Veterans’ Day), I have not drawn a new name yet. I’ll wait until Sunday evening, then make sure they’re in the mail Monday morning.
Hmmm… didn’t realize how crazy I sounded until I put it in writing. At least I don’t wake up extra early in the morning to request an address in time to make the 8am mail pickup. (yet)


No! Do it your way! But keep in mind that your card travels for some time and that all oft the card needs to be sturdy enough to survive the notorious sorting machines of United States Postal Service.


I don’t request a name until I’m ready to write out the card. Then I stop by the post office on my way to work the next morning to mail them.
I don’t have any place near me to buy postcards - I’m building up my supply from purchasing them online or when I’m away on vacation - so I choose the card from what i have available.


Same here - one day. We think alike.

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Usually, I draw an address and then either immediately write the postcard or wait a few hours to gather some inspiration on what to write. I make sure to write the card on the same day and drop it in the mailbox before 5:00 PM, as that is when the mail is collected.
During the weekend, there is no mail collection. It sometimes happens that on Saturday, I draw an address but only write the card on Sunday.

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I don’t request an address unless I am ready to sit down and write the card then and there, but sometimes that’s in the evening after the mail carrier has already come and gone by my house, so sometimes it doesn’t actually get mailed out until the next day. Actually, I have a postcard sitting in my mailbox that I put out there Thursday evening, and I forgot today was a holiday, and there is no post delivery tomorrow, so it won’t ACTUALLY send until Monday :sweat_smile: oops


There is absolutely nothing wrong with making your own cards! I have seen some people specifically request that they don’t receive handmade cards, but I think MOST people would be thrilled to have a unique work of art sent to them! I know I would personally love that!


I have some from my own photos.

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A day and half? If I make a postcard, it takes me at least a week and half, haha. Sometimes even if I send a store bought one… You are sending postcards, not organs, don’t worry and do it the way it suits you :wink:


Hi i usually try to get inspired by the profile i am given , once i chose or made one myself i usually send it within 2 days

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Mostly i draw some adresses in the evening and the next day i will get them to a mailbox.
I do draw them one by one, so i get an address, look at the profile , pick a card, write the things, decorate etc. One card takes me about 30 min or more to complete.

But i’ve read a lot of messages on here and some messages released me from some pressure to send it the next day. Now i know i can take it a little bit calmer as well, and spend some more days on it. That is nice.


I only draw an address if I can get it done there and then, I read profile and find a card which I think is suitable (remember you can send any card you like, the profile wants list is just that), I then write the card and decorate it and put it in the mail.


I’ll often request addresses on Saturday or Sunday and put them in the mailbox at the post office on my way to work on Monday. The post office in my town closes at noon Saturday and I need to get there to pick up my mail from my post office box.