How do you store your stamps?

Hi all!

As I bought a bigger batch of different stamps, I asked myself, how to store them. I have them in an envelope at the moment, but with more different stamps, it gets a bit annoying to find the right one. My stamp collection is in different albums, of course, but how do you store the stamps you are going to use? Any suggestions you might want to share?


Hi there!

I keep my stamps in an A5 photo album, just like this one:

It allows me to sort them by value and gives easy access whenever I need to look through them. Maybe this could be an option for you as well?


I keep stamp-sheets in an envelope. For individual/single stamps I use old blank cardboards from the philately shop (dt.: Steckkarten), like this:


Honestly, I just have a box with a confusing stamp mess, so no helpful advice over here :sweat_smile:


I have my stamps in a box, too, but they are arranged into cardboard “pockets” by themes. (When I order stamps they come inside these pockets).

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I made this little booklet for my stamps:

It is rather worn by now and held together by washitape. Maybe it is time to make a new one :sweat_smile:


In the US, I stored them in a few different little glassine envelopes that stamps would come in, sorted by general value: domestic forever, higher, or lower (eventually “lower” got sorted into a couple of envelopes because I had vintage stamps so it was more like 8 cents and under and 10 cents and over). It was still annoying to find things.

I just bought a bunch of stamps here in Turkey and they came in these little B5-ish folders. I’m intending to keep using the folders for my stamps in the future, they’re pretty convenient!


I am limiting my sending amounts by only buying couple of stamp sheets per month, so storing them has never been a big issue for me. I just keep them in the paper bag they came with!

But I do have few rolls of low value stamps (5 kr, 1 kr and 50 öre). They came with a handy boxes I keep in the “postcard box” (it is actually a napkin box, something you can keep your pretty napkins if you are that type of person who keeps pretty napkins. For me, I saw it and I knew it is perfect for cards). The stamp sheet bag is also in that box, tugged between cards.


I store them in small tool boxes (inspired by @Lotty) by value:


Love! This would be exactely my solution if I had to sort my stamps.


I have a concertina folder for receipts that I converted into a stamp holder. One section has a denomination (or thereabouts) and I can pick n’ mix as I like, depending on how much the postage is. The last section had a bunch of little envelopes in it, for specific penpals. Every time I buy a new issue, I’ll pop a complete set into each envelope, so I know each penpal will get the full set with no duplicates when I snail mail them regularly!

I’ve completely stopped buying new issues as I’ve noticed I have so many stamps. It’s ridiculous… or is it? :stuck_out_tongue:


I put the stamps in an envelope. I have only two types of stamps.

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Like @anon12045041, I keep stamps in a small postcard album I was given:

The stamps are sorted by denomination, and then in rough alphabetical order.


Pretty cool album @maleko

mine are in a box and in a cabinet and in an prioriry mail envelope and in cabinets. I’ve been hoarding stamps lately.


In an ordinary A4 ring binder, in punched pockets (with blank sheets of paper for convenience), sorted by denomination. Quite a large thing, but this way I can insert new sheets or remove empty ones when the stamps run out. And I’m too lazy to cut stamps from a sheet in advance, so I store full sheets. Also some sheets have nice margins which can be used for decoration (similar to stickers/washi tape).


That are some nice ideas! For now, I bought one of those small photoalbums, as some of you suggested.

Napkin basket! It’s nice to be able to rifle through the sheets. I have them sorted by Forever, small cents, 20s, 30s, 40s, and Christmas with dividers. Any duplicate sheets I keep in a folder.


I put them in a tin box with each series in one mount.
Easy to keep and find.


a cool LEGO BOX

and one recycled mooncake box

and a small box I usually take it in my bag every day

and some others(much bigger stamps sheets) in A5 album,I didn’t take the photos. :rofl: