How do you store or display your postcards?

Woah, that looks so creative!

Late to this topic, but I wanted to contribute:

I only joined Postcrossing in December 2023, so I’ve only a tiny collection so far, but this is how I have my postcards displayed.

They are curated by my trusted assistant Alan the skeleton.

I saw someone on here keeps theirs in an album, so I’ll probably start doing that when I’ve got too many to display all at once.


i simply put them in a box.

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For outgoing, I use Artbin Card and Photo boxes.


Hi everyone. New received cards go on display at my kitchen door - there’s space for up to 28 cards. When one or several new arrive, some older ones are stored in a nice box. As I so far have received around 150, the first box is far from full.


I store my received postcards in this zipper pouch at the moment. My blank postcards to send are in a large ziplock bag.


This is absolutely faboulous!! A wall like this makes you infinitely happy! :heart:

20.000 cards is indeed a HUGE number but what an absolutely magnificent collection you got there! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: How long have you been collecting them? :slight_smile:

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I love this idea of hanging up strings and then pinching the postcards to them! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

This is sooo amazing and what an inspiration to someone who just started out (like me) :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Have you been collecting for a long time? :slight_smile:

marvelous idea and it doesn’t damage your wall! :heart:

Thank you :grinning: … now I am in my tenth year of Postcrossing… but I don‘t know when I started this „gallery“ at least 6 years ago, I think.

WOW! What a cool idea! Would never occur to me! Rushes to google

Those are recently received cards. Around Easter end of summer and Christmas I check check double check. Just finished. Decide which can go and which get boxed or throw away cq recycle. An empty rack does not make happy so the favourites stay for a while.
I give in all the ID’s to see if cards are registered, almost always they are. Relief.


Yes, a very long time - since my first few arrived with a penpal letter in 1974 from Iowa.
And yes, I still have them! :grin:


Wasn’t expecting much from Amazon but loving my little album to store my received cards! 6 so far :smile: loving getting happy mail :mailbox_with_mail::love_letter:


Thank you for your inspiration. As newbie I‘ve now choosen a wooden Han landscape A5 index box with some dividers and think I‘ll soon need a second - the stock with unwritten cards is growing uncontrollable :innocent:.


I cant wait to receive my First postcards. We will be storing them in a photoalbum :smiling_face:


I buy the special editions of their parcels (25×18×10cm) from DHL. The postcards go in there. When a box is full, it is labelled with a nice label with the period and ID numbers. They are easy to stack and fit almost anywhere.