How do you store or display your postcards?

I am interested in how people display their cards.

I’m not sure what do you mean by display ? Upload on the website or where do you store them after you receive them ?

Yes, how or where do you store the received postcards. I have some postcards I have hung up on my wall.

I like to look at my cards.

You definitely in the right thread for that @hansenplfl . If you scroll to previous posts in this thread, you’ll see amazing ways that fellow Postcrossers have come up with to store and display their postcards.

I currently have them displayed like this but as you can see its overflowing. I just bought a photo storage box with 9 containers that can hold up to 100 photos (so plenty of cards) each where i want to store them by arrival date to look back on. Just started again after a long pause (2012 till 2023) so dont have that many yet but it will keep expanding


I have this cute binder in which i store all of my received postcards:

One page shows the text…

and the next one shows the picture:)!

and so on…



I like all yours ideas! For me, i keep them in a cookie box and my favorite are hanged on the wall of my bedroom! :postcrossing:


Good evening lovely peeps :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Question from a newbie - how do you store/display received postcards?
I love sending myself postcards when I travel and eventually hang them on the wall, however I’m starting to notice the colour are fading! They are not even directly exposed to sunlight (vicious New Zealand sunlight :smiling_face_with_tear:)

Would love to hear how everyone keeps their baby safe, thank youu :slight_smile:


Hi and welcome!

Have a look at this thread

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I just started postcrossing but so far, I am storing it by displaying them in an album like this:

I find this particularly good for those postcards that come in envelopes or with surprises, or for big or shaped cards. For regular postcards that come on their own, I use album sheets that are divided in “pockets” and place the postcards there with a handwritten tag of from whom and from where it came, the date of sending (if possible) and of arrival, and the postcard ID or the name of the Forum thread through which I got it


I have postcards all over the place, but here’s my little Year of the Dragon wall


It is great to see how everyone displays and/or stores there postcards!
I have always wanted a toilet that would be fun and packed with colours and images. The one room in the house that you can go crazy with decorating however you want. You might think I am weird :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Guests really like it though and sometimes stay longer in the toilet watching all wonderful cards.

The cards are a combination of postcrossing cards and other received cards.

I change them every now and then. The rest stays in shoe boxes.


I have maybe 200 or less cards right now so this is how I am dealing with it. I’ll have to think of something different soon.



I’ve shown the racks and old box I use higher :arrow_up: up this thread. However, my Tilly postcards and a few others are too wide to fit into the racks, so I display them (with greetings cards) on my shelves.


I don’t really store them separately. I have this old photo album that I also use for movie tickets, letters, and other such small memorabilia, and my cards also go in it. Plus, my souvenir cards are also in it - sometimes I’ll just buy a postcard at an event or some such and keep it like just a conveniently sized art print, with no intention of ever mailing it.


After a few weeks without Postcrossing, I had fun changing the “postcard-setup” I posted in 12/2023 (see above).

With the help of 4 wireframes and several hundred tiny clothepins, it is now holding around 150 postcards :slight_smile:.
It looks rather small on the photo, but is quite massive in reality being over 1,60m x 1,30m right now. It´s the first thing you see entering our home:

Looks like I have to start a new one at another wall… :wink:


I store mine in boxes they are each numbered i the order I get them. I keep track of every card I send by writing the addresses in a notebook. I have cards from 152 countries, I copied the list from postcrossing to have all the ones they use.
How do you so yours?
Wilma Brown from Georgia USA


I number them according to the order I received them. I keep them in a plastic bin.