How do you pay postage at post office?

Unfortunately, my local post office doesn’t have enough lovely stamps, otherwise I will buy them.

Postage fee in Thailand is mainly paid by cash at the counter.

And when you purchase some postage stamps, you have to pay in cash like buying envelope, box, etc. But sometimes cash, bank transfer (PromptPay) or debit/credit cards are accepted for some events that Thailand Post sells stamps in some special events.

In Thailand, if you don’t attach any postage stamps on the postcard, it’ll be attached with label instead of postage stamps for paying postage fee. (I think many postcrossers and senders surely don’t like it, it’s too plain and colorless.)

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I buy a sheet of post stamps by card or mobile at a bookstore. Ik pay €1.65 per postcard or up to 20 grams or 2 stamps up to 50 gr.

Card :credit_card: for online orders, or cash if I happen to buy 2/3 stamps from a retailer (not post office).

I buy them online with a banktransfer.

In China (at least in my area), the staff of the post office always affix stamps for me after I pay, and then manually imprint the postmark. The label will not be used unless I specifically request it.



I usually buy a bounch of stamps in advance at the philatelic post office, so I don’t have to go to the post office every time and can choose the stamps according to the profile or the person I’m writing to.

Since I usually pay more than 20-30 € every time, I tend to pay with debit card. Otherwise, cash.

I only buy large amount of stamps from the Spazio Filatelia in Genoa, and always paid cash when I had to pay a shipment in a normal post office, but really don’t they accept normal Bancomat to do so? For sure you can pay with Bancomat or other non Poste Italiane debit / credit card when you pay bills and bulletins

Our post office has an ATM looking thing. The stamps are pretty ugly though :robot:

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I always thought that it was just me who sometimes does not speak very clearly who had issues when trying to buy stamps at the post office :sweat_smile: I’m kind of glad to read that others struggle just the same. I kind of tread going to the post office for that reason. When I go there, I pay in cash.

When I order online, I use paypal. It’s very practical to just order stamps online.


I use credit card everywhere.

I mainly buy stamps online from the USPS website or eBay. Those are always PayPal transactions. If I’m in the post office I will usually use my debit card.

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I use a credit card whenever I buy at the counter. All USPS offices I have been to offer this option with no minimum or surcharge. My bank gives me back 1.5% on every transaction, and I always pay in full. So it’s FREE money. I do the same with the USPS online store. Note however that Money Orders can only be bought with cash or debit.
I have a friend in a rural area and she says she can give her postal carrier a check and he/ she brings back stamps. This is the Stamps By Mail program only available in rural areas. No shipping fee as with the online service but you don’t get a choice of stamps though most carriers will try to get what you ask for if they can. For City Slickers USPS used to have a similar service but I haven’t seen an order blank in years and I live in NYC so I don’t know if it still exists. You could also give your carrier cash and I have never heard of them absconding with the money. I don’t know if that option still exists. The service harkens back to a time when very few rural residents had checking accounts.

Don’t forget to subtract the USPS online handling fee from your cashback bonus.

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Exactly. Which is why I try to go in person when I can. During the pandemic I would just gang up all my orders and make one big order since the fee is flat rate. Long ago I gave up on trying to get every new issue ASAP and I have enjoyed philately much more since!

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Honestly that fee is so negligible, specially if you buy in bulk. You probably pay more in gas to get to the post office. The selection at the post office is hit or miss, and stamps are sometimes bent or dirty. Online orders come mint condition and well packed and individually wrapped in plastic, and the selection can’t be beat. Well worth the fee.


How can stamps be discounted? Isn’t it like discounting a 5€ banknote? If it is real stamp/banknote the seller would lose money by discounting it. :thinking:

This may not apply here, but it is possible to do that with U. S. ‘Forever’ stamps, if the seller acquired them at a lower cost earlier.


True. But since I have to go there anyway….And they know me so they usually give me fresh stock and they have almost all the new Forevers. I do about 2 online orders a year for what they don’t have. I know $2.10 isn’t a lot but that is still 3 letters and change. I also thought the USPS bean counters consider a post offices’ total sales when deciding to keep it open or shut it down.

I am told that our post office only transact in cash. No e-wallet, debit card nor credit card option available over the counter payment. It used to accept cheque payment but I don’t know if they still do.


I always pay with cash.
I prefer paying cash since I was young, because I know how much cash I have in my wallet. And I won’t buy unnecessary stuff I don’t need right now. It’s also a good idea to have a limit. My bank card stay’s always at home when I’m out of the house, so I don’t tempted to buy other stuff.