Help us research User Interaction in Postcrossing (and win a pack of postcards!)

Hi everyone! :wave: Want to help Postcrossing and get some postcards in the process? :sunglasses: Read on!

We’re doing a study on Postcrossing, focusing specifically on new website visitors and how they interact with the website, to smooth some rough edges. The study involves a short 20-minute video call with Helen (aka @scopemouth) — besides being a user interaction researcher, she’s been a postcrosser for over 10 years, and volunteered her skills to help Postcrossing with this.

The goal for this study is to understand Postcrossing through the eyes of someone who has never used the site before. Do you have a friend or family member (age 18+) who doesn’t know much about Postcrossing, but wouldn’t mind chatting about hobbies and websites?

Great! Please ask your friend or family member to fill out our contact form here. We will select participants from as many different countries as possible. NOTE: Feel free to tell your friend or family member that this is about hobbies and websites, but it’s very important that they do not know much about how Postcrossing works.

After successful completion of the video call with Helen, both the participant and the person who recruited the participant (you!) will receive a set of 10 postcards sent by us here in the headquarters. :slight_smile:

If you have a friend or family member that speaks English, and would be happy to give some of their time to help on this task, do send them the link to the contact form. Thank you for helping us improve Postcrossing!


Any language requirements for the video call?

Ah, good question! I’m afraid English is a requirement — the interview will be in English and I’m afraid the person won’t be able to navigate the site if they’re not comfortable reading and speaking in English.


Are people okay they know that I do postcrossing, send and receive cards through it but dont have a deeper view into the exact mechanics?

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Yes, that would be ok. I think it would be impossible to recruit someone that has absolutely zero knowledge about the project (or interest in postcards)… but if they only have a vague impression of what Postcrossing is, that’s fine!


I asked to a friend and I would fill out the form with her if it’s good :slight_smile:




Referred :+1::+1:

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Do you have Chinese?I don’t seem to be able to open this link :sob:

Ah… indeed, Google Forms is sometimes blocked in China. :disappointed: I’m not sure whether we have any Chinese participants yet, but we’d love to have some! If you could send me a private message here on the forum, I’ll guide you through the referral process. :slight_smile:

Hello all, thanks for the show of interest! :grin:

I’m looking forward to speaking to many of the friends/family you’ve referred. Thank you again for your efforts!

Did anyone refer an Indonesian female aged 55+? I see this person completed my form and indicated Whatsapp as her preferred contact method, but did not add the phone number or any other way to contact her.

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Hello dear @cheese_yu, I see we have one response from China on our Google form.

It was submitted about 16 hours ago. Did you find a way for your friend/family member to open the form?

No,I don’t find a way for your friend member to open the form

I am kind of new to postcrossing since I joined only three months ago. If it is okay, I am interested in participating and have filled out the google survey. Looking forward to this research. :blush:

My mom speaks fluent English but has never sent a postcard before! She’d love to do it!


That would be brilliant, please do sign her up!

I’d enlist my own mother for this, but she doesn’t speak English at all :see_no_evil:

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I’m afraid the participants need to be new members… but if you have a friend who hasn’t joined yet but is interested in postcards, do talk to them! We’d be happy to send you and them some postcards :slight_smile:

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How long does she have to sign up? She is definitely very interested so please let me know if she can start by opening her account tomorrow and I can refill the form for her or she can fill it (what would you prefer?) She and I would love the cards so much!

Hi @SilverrLinings, please have her fill out the linked Google Form on her own by end-of-day (Pacific timezone) August 17th.

To clarify, she should NOT set up a Postcrossing account of her own, and it’s important that she knows as little about Postcrossing as possible, as we are trying to get fresh impressions from users who are naive to how Postcrossing works.

Hi everyone! :wave:t2: Thank you all for your interest in helping to improve Postcrossing.

I will be closing sign-ups for the study in about 12 hours. :mantelpiece_clock:

I noticed that we don’t have any responses from South America, and very few from Europe ~ there’s still time if you’d like to refer your friend or family member!