Help French Students (7-9y. old) Explore the World with Postcards!

I am the teacher of a class of 7-9 year olds (CE1-CE2) located in a small village in Brittany, France.

In September, I am taking the class on a world tour through postcard exchanges.
You can follow the students travel in this facebook group :

The students and I would be very grateful if you could send us postcards from around the world to help us discover your beautiful countries. Thank you in advance!

Our address is :
Ecole René louiche desfontaines
Classe des ce1-ce2
5 rue de la libération
35460 val-couesnon (tremblay)

  • this is a public address

Feel free to write your address on the postcard and we will be happy to reply!!

Thanks a lot!!


Sending you a message now!

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Sent pm

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I am happy to send a card! I’ll send a pm.

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PM sent

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Count me in :grin:

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Sent you a PM :smiling_face:

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So fun, I would love to send one.

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Pm sent

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pm sent

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pm sent :slight_smile:

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Happy to help, PM sent.

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Many thanks to everyone who has already responded to my request. I’m overwhelmed by so much generosity. Thank you so much for the students!


Bon jour!

I love this idea and also the fact that you’re getting started so early.

I’d love to sebd a card from my hometown. Pls send me your address.


Bonjour! I like to send a card from my hometown, too. Please, tell me the address.

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I would love to send a card from Texas, USA.

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if another card from germany is needed , I can send from Baroquecity Rastatt.

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Please send address. I’m in a small rural city in New York State

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We can send a card from Mexico! :grinning:

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