Hello and welcome! (the introductions topic)

This section of the forum is so active already, but it seems to be missing a welcome topic…

So, dear North American postcrossers, please introduce yourself when you can, and let’s welcome the newbies to this corner of the community! :blush:

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Hello newbies and oldbies!

I am Meredith, from New Mexico, USA. I have been an active forum member for most of the 8 years involved with Postcrossing. I host a Bingo, an RR in the main RRs, and a seasonal RR here in NA. I am a stay-at-home Mom and have way too much time for Postcrossing :rofl:, but I love it! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I don’t think this thread is active any more but I’m Ali from the East Coast of Canada. I’m new and happy to be here.


Hello, I’m Rebekah and I’m from the West Coast of Canada. I’ve only recently discovered post-crossing and I love the idea. With Covid especially it’s hard to find community, so I’m happy to have found this forum and exchange!



Looks like this may be obsolete

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Hello from the Northcoast of California! It’s foggy August and I’m awaiting my very first received postcard having sent six so far. Cheers, all!


Hi! I live in Victoria on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.

I have a question… I have some questions I’d love to ask of fellow Canadian Postcrossers (e.g. does anyone know of a source for Canadian-themed washi tape?), but I have no idea where to go for this. All the Canada-specific threads I’ve found are specific to RRs or have some other particular focus that makes this question out of scope.

Is this the place I should ask? Or is there a better one?

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This section would be a good place! Just open a new topic here and ask — hopefully other Canadian postcrossers will be able to quickly help. :slight_smile:

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Thanks! I’ll do that :slight_smile:

A post was split to a new topic: Exchanging postcards with own country

Hi everyone! I’m not really new, but I haven’t been around since 2016, so maybe “new” is not too much a stretch. I’m a lifelong Chicagoan and an introvert. I sent out four official postcards this week, and they were all to US members, which I thought was interesting. Maybe if I had selected a few more addresses, I might have picked up some other countries, but I stopped at four due to having limited postcards and stamps on hand. I guess I know what I will be doing this weekend! Hope everyone is doing well. :slight_smile:


Hello! Maybe somebody knows where in Montreal there are special shops with art postcards (I mean with reproductions of paintings). Need help.

I haven’t introduced myself yet (even though I’ve been lurking on this forum for awhile, but better late than never lol), so… hello! My name is Francesca. I’m from the West Coast of the USA. I found out about this place from a friend so I decided to register here to see what it’s about, and now I love it! I hope everyone is taking care! :smile:


Hi there! I’m new here. We’re trying to collect the 50 states for a homeschool project. Is there a place to post direct swaps for just specific USA states? I can’t find it, if so. Thank you!

I don’t know how much this will help, but here’s some information on how to post direct swaps. Maybe this will help you find what you’re looking for? What are direct swaps?

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Hello and I hope that I post this in a right place.
I am considering studying for Bachelor degree at a Canadian university in the future, which is located in Nanaimo on Vancouver island. But I am not sure what I need to prepare if I want to continue postcrossing in Canada. It will be very helpful if I can get advice from the local postcrossers there. Currently I have zero idea about how to send postcards in Canada, where to buy stamps with a variety themes, how to save money when using the Canadian postal services.

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Hello @Mirella673

What a WONDERFUL idea to study in :canada:!
We would :heart: to have you here.

You asked about postcards in our Country. Here is a start:

Any Post Office would be more than willing to help explain the cost of our stamps to Canada, the USA or overseas (International) :airplane:

I’ve discovered there are postcards with pre-paid stamps on them you can order online. You are getting a FREE postcard and just paying for the stamp. Yesterday I ordered two sets of our FROM FAR & WIDE and there was no cost for shipping!

You will be surprised at how easy it is to be a Postcrosser in Canada, eh?