Have you met Postcrossers from a different country in person?


I am wondering if you have met any Postcrossers from a different country in person?

Personally, I have met a Postcrosser from Belarus and Russia visiting my city in Japan. I could show a bit of my city and another neighbouring city for a Postcrosser from Belarus, but as for a Postcrosser from Russia, she was busy all day, so we could only talk for about two hours at a cafe and on the street in the evening.

A very memorable moment :slight_smile:


Yep! Once I met my former p-pal in Germany! :smile: Last year I also found out one of my neighbours was a postcrosser, so I guess that counts too? :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes, I have met postcrossers from the Netherlands, Belgium and Romania :blush:


I have met Postcrossers from The Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal, Greece, UK, Norway, Austria, Italy, Ireland… probably more. I love attending International meet-ups


How does one attend international meet ups? Are these spoken in the local languages?



When I met postcrossers from Belarus and Russia, we communicated in an easy English.

At the international meetups, perhaps in the local language and English more or less?

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I met up with two Postcrossers in Prague and they showed my husband and me around the city.


Well you can go to meetups evetywhere. When a few people from different countries come its an international meetup.

When I was in London all was easy because the language Spoken was english. When I was in Portugal of course portuguese was spoken but everyone switched to english when someone was around who didn’t know the language.

In the netherlands I had conversations where someone spoke Dutch and I spoke German and we could understand each other quite well.

So in my experience if you don’t know the main language spoken you can get along with english just fine


I attended an international meetup in Helsinki - I met postcrossers from Finland (of course), Germany, Switzerland, Paulo and Ana were there too :slight_smile:

I met a postcrosser from Russia when she visited Kraków and met with a postcrosser from Canada when I went there, and also met postcrossers from Japan and Greece when we attended meetings in Kraków together.

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I met a few Postcrossers that were also my pen pals. They came from Germany, The Netherlands and Italy.


Fun to see how people have met other postcrossers!
I have met @hankadl last week!
All thanks to the Summer holiday :sunny: thread

I think I would like to meet more postcrossers, but it is not something that high on my list. When it comes on my path, I am definitly in for it!


And in Osaka City meetup this year, I met @marupiter from USA and @mooseontheloose who is originally from Canada but lives in Japan now.

I also travelled to Serbia in April this year and met @echinopsiss in person at a cafe.

It is always so nice meeting fellow postcrossers regardless of where they are from :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


I’ve been to meetups in Norway (Oslo), Japan (Osaka), and Taiwan (Taichung) where I met other Postcrossers in person. It was really fun! I always wish I had more time. I’d like to travel specifically for a meetup someday.


The only Postcrossers I met are from other countries!

It started in Lithuania, where a student introduced me to Postcrossing. Then, I went to a meet-up in Vilnius, where I met other Lithuanian postcrossers, and also one from Russia and one from Belarus.
Then, in Paris, I met @wandafan (we took a tour of Paris, which was great fun, and bought some stamps and got wonderful First Day Cover wonderful First Day Cover ) and @TwasBrillig (to whom I gave the postcard and stamp she won in my lottery and visited a great exhibition in the Musée de l’Homme).
A few months ago, in Cairo, I had the great good fortune to meet @ranimayman, who continues to send postcards despite the many complications she has to deal with to pursue this hobby; a real role model for me! We organized a wonderful meetup altogether with @TwasBrillig, with whom I visited the Museum of Islamic Art, Mokkattam and Manshiyat Nasser in Cairo.
So I can definitely say that I met wonderful people thanks to Postcrossing, and I am so grateful both to Postcrossing (@Paulo and @meiadeleite of course) and to these great people for that!

:lithuania: :austria: :us: :egypt:


Yes, I met a couple from Belgium (the husband is postcrosser), two sisters from Czechs (one of them is postcrosser), 2 friends from Belgium (both are postcrossers), a couple from Germany (the wife is postcrosser), a postcrosser from Singapore, few postcrossers from Jakarta and hopefully soon I will meet 1 postcrosser from Jakarta and 2 from Hongkong :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’m glad that I live in Bali, a very popular holiday destination, and I’m glad that through postcrossing I can meet lots of new friends :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Looking forward to meet more and more postcrossers in the future


Well, what counts as a different if I lived in both Germany and the US?

I met @egni (RIP) more than a decade ago at a meetup in Berlin and I think there was another international attendee, maybe from Poland.

When in Vienna (when I lived in Europe and flights were really cheap), I met with a local postcrosser there.

And in July 2015, I met lots of Canadians at a meetup in Ingersoll, ON. (I might have planned our summer vacation around that …)


Yesterday, we had a Christmas Market mini-meetup in my city, Osaka, of Japan.

@Cho_etori originally from China who lives in Tokyo, Japan, as a student came all the way by bus from Tokyo to join us then.

It is always so nice to meet Postcrossers :slight_smile:


Yes! One Postcrosser asked me for a direct swap some months ago and when I visited Belgrade last month I said hi at her working place :slight_smile: (She told me where she was working and invited me to come over :smiley: )


I hosted 3 meetups in Greece during the Summer of 2022, and attended a meetup in London in June 2023. It was wonderful to meet Postcrossers from other countries and I enjoyed speaking with each of them!


Yes. I do not attend Postcrossing meetups, but this summer I met @Lotty :belgium: on a Bookcrossing meetup.

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