德國 Harenberg 哈倫伯格 明信片

德國 Harenberg 哈倫伯格 明信片,
他是週曆冊, 每冊有53張, 可以撕下來當明信片寄出,

並非每一張都漂亮, 大致上有中等水準,
台灣有人代理, 每冊大約要賣到 NT$530元,
postcrossing 有 [TAG] Harenberg Kalenderkarten

一堆德國人在那裡 tag 過來 tag過去,

I’m just wondering what’s the reason why you’ve mentioned a tag from the German subforum?

Sorry for writing in English

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Over the years, Harenberg Wochenkalender has been sent to countries all over the world and has been very popular.
Some Taiwanese, even after receiving the Harenberg postcard, still do not know that the postcard in their hand is a Harenberg postcard,
I want to let Taiwanese people know about Harenberg’s excellent products,

德國 Harenberg 哈倫伯格 明信片,
Rotkehlchen, 歐亞鴝,
亞, 是說中亞,

德國 Harenberg 哈倫伯格 明信片,
Eichhörnchen, 松鼠,

德國 Harenberg 哈倫伯格 明信片,
Ágios Theodoros Lighthouse, Admiralty N3890

德國 Harenberg 哈倫伯格 明信片,
Cabo Silleiro lighthouse, Admiralty D1916

德國 Harenberg 哈倫伯格 明信片,
Azawakh, 阿札瓦克犬,