Hard to Please?

I did so after registration.

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If I get someone with a lot of demands, I find a post card Iā€™m not bothered about losing, write a message on it & thatā€™s it because I know itā€™s more than likely going to be binned.

I get excited when I pick out post cards, decorate the card & find something they are interested in. I had one recently. Out of the 9 cards I sent, 8 of them were decorated etc & the 1 just had a message & some facts about the card. I try not to worry about it too much now. Iā€™m still fairly new.


Itā€™s a concern when youā€™re putting something like stickers on archival quality/acid-free paper. Most postcards are unlikely to be made from such high quality materials!


Yes, I have run across many profiles with very picky postcard preferences and each usually gives a very long list of what they donā€™t want. Well, I only have postcards that feature things from their ā€œdonā€™tā€ list. Out of my collection, I try to pick the one that I think they would like even if itā€™s not their favorite thing.


Got one of these profiles again :confused: I feel there is more and more of such profiles ! To me it takes away all the joy of sending a card when people are doing this, itā€™s more like theyā€™re ā€œorderingā€ something to you and Iā€™m not gonna make every shop to find something from theyā€™re wishlistā€¦ Also theyā€™re favorites is also getting a wishlist so you canā€™t even get some inspiration from it ! And theyā€™re usually asking for very specific collections that are often more expensive than normal cards ! And I donā€™t really want to bother picking a card when I know they wonā€™t like it anyway -_-


I also have my favourites as wish list.
But I think it can also then be used as a ā€œhintā€ list, similar things are good too, and what the person might like.
And any other card of course.

But if itā€™s really something that looks like an order, or too many no-topics, only way to get rid of those is to report those. These donā€™t go away by itself suddenly.
Take the profile name or link, write to the postcrossing team, explain it seems too demanding and they will look what makes the profile be better. Of course you can do it too.

You can do it now, and soon the next one getting that profile doesnā€™t need to feel inadequate.

About collections card, Iā€™m not interested in buying those. I send what I have.
If someone only likes mainly specific collection, they can direct swap those.

And to see the brighter side:
when I have very little cards, and canā€™t find a card the person has on their wish list, I of course send something. Funnily, then I feel people like it more. Instead of ā€œthank you for sending a card to my collectionā€ I get replys and comments to my message, and very often they like the card image too.

To someone who only had topics I find hard, I sent a christmas card.
They loved it, as they didnā€™t even know there are christmas postcards.

But if and when there is many noā€™s, only one or two what they like, reporting will help.


I think this is fine to mention some topics you like in your profile as long as itā€™s not too specific, but to me this is not ok asking only for specific collections, often these profiles have a long list of specific collectons with another long list of ā€œI already haveā€¦ so please checkā€ā€¦ This is not the essence of postrossing to me, youā€™re not in a shop, picking what you like and thatā€™s whatā€™s getting me madā€¦ And itā€™s often the same collections a lot of people ask for (gotochi, lou paper, blue cat, inge look etcā€¦ just to mention a few) which most postcrossers wonā€™t have since theyā€™re issued in a specific country. Also when I take a look to specific collections in my country, it cost a lot (like 3-4ā‚¬ a card when itā€™s around 0.50cent for a normal tourist card) so I never buy these. Even if I could afford, it would be unfair to spend a lot for picky postcrossers and less for simple onesā€¦
But idk if itā€™s ā€œappropriateā€ to report such profiles cause thereā€™s a lot of them !


If they only ask for specific collection, hinting others are not good, yes, then itā€™s appropriate to report it.
It doesnā€™t mean bad. They will look at it, and decide what they do or say.
Itā€™s to help every one else and also the profile owner.

I understand those ā€œplease lookā€¦I have number 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, ā€¦896ā€
What ever I do or check, I still might send something that someone else sends around same time. There is no guarantee.

Sometimes those are meant for swaps partners, but of course we donā€™t know. They can add there: ā€œfor those who swap with meā€ as Iā€™ve seen in some profiles.

Personally I think specific wishes are ok when there is other ones too, or some mentioning that the sender isnā€™t put in position where they feel their card isnā€™t liked.

Out of curiousity I looked at your sent cards, you send lovely cards!
I feel so sorry you feel these profiles take away the joy of your sending :frowning:

At one point I got many cards apoloqising they didnā€™t have anything from my wish list.
I am thankful they wrote so (but sad they felt obviously the list is too hard, and that I wouldnā€™t like others), I tried to make my list more ā€œfreeā€, and even wrote not to apologise.

If itā€™s a normalish friendly people, they will try to understand the sender too and not only think their own collection.

I understand it feels you are wasting your money, so instead of trying to make the receiver happy (and not likely succeeding), do what makes you happy. Write the message so itā€™s worth the postage. Or take another address and send this one later, pretending itā€™s a new address, just take a random card and donā€™t read the profile again.

Sometimes I feel like a profile is so hard, but then I remember, if they are here for somewhat long time, they know they will get all kinds of cards.


And if no one does anything, yes there will be lot of those profiles, and they will say ā€œothers do it tooā€, ā€œno one else ever complainedā€.

But to think everyone mentioned it, or reported, they can start to think maybe they should change it.

(And Iā€™m not wanting to flood the team with reports, but if this is a problem, something has to be and can be done :slight_smile: )


I think itā€™s okay to write down like ā€œPlease donā€™t sent cards with spidersā€ or something like ā€œplease no war themeā€, because these are understandable and written in a nice tone.
But I came across some profiles with like: ā€œDONā€™T SEND ME XY!!!ā€
It can sound a bit rude in the way they write :sweat_smile:
I donā€™t mind people with language problems (English is my second language aswell), but I also saw native speakers wrote in a rude tone :sweat_smile:

Amyway, what I wanted to say:
Itā€™s more nice to read: ā€œPlease donā€™t send me XY.ā€
than: ā€œDONā€™T SEND ME XY!!!ā€ :sweat_smile:

I always look for a nice perfect card, but when I donā€™t have a matching one and the member wrote like: ā€œDONā€™T SEND ME TOURISTIC POSTCARDS!!!ā€ (in such cases I often send touristic view cards), itā€™s hard to please :sweat_smile:


Yes, I think the same.

And in general, wishes are ok, even specific, but so that it doesnā€™t look or imply only those are ok.

Even when I know I can send anything, sometimes I get a profile that makes me feel they only want such or such card, then Iā€™m happy to see the occassional reminder Postcrossing addes, that I can send anything.

Sometimes I write ā€œyou only wrote you collect viewcards, but of course you know not everyone has those, so I send you this card that I bought from x, and I like it because y and bla bla blaaā€. So they know I read their profile, and maybe they will add some other themes they could like.

Often the no-themes are something I would not send unless someone wants it, like nude, erotic, gun, war. But if someone has a fobia, then itā€™s good to tell if they donā€™t for example like a water scene, or dog etc. that otherwise could be common.

For me, the DON*T THIS THIS THIS THISā€¦!!!" firstly, itā€™s hard to read, and I think instantly, you donā€™t tell me what I do, stop shouting you child. Obviously I donā€™t write that, but I have sometimes written how this long text with capitals, I couldnā€™t read it, itā€™s hard for my eyes.


I think a lot of this boils down to a simple issue. There is a huge difference between listing preferences but being open to anything (which I canā€™t help but feel is the ā€œspirit of postcrossingā€) and demanding a certain type of card. Personally, I have a fairly long list of things I like on my profile but state more than once that these are just things I like, send me anything with the only things Iā€™ve asked not to have being NSFW cards and things relating to Harry Potter, that still leaves almost any card available.

Iā€™ve noted a few other people saying this too but I am very very sceptical about people who ask for a completely blank card in an envelope. Iā€™m cool with writing the card and putting it in an envelope if thatā€™s a personā€™s preference (again, personally I like my postcard to be a postcard, not a letter and donā€™t care if it gets a bit damaged), however I draw the line at an unwritten postcard in an envelope. I canā€™t help but feel thatā€™s very impersonal, unless I add a separate letter thereā€™s no text! As well as that, maybe Iā€™m a cynic, but I canā€™t help but feel itā€™s a ploy to get free postcards to send back out. If you want to collect pristine postcardsā€¦ you can go to a shop? IDK, as I say, Iā€™m probably being cynical but itā€™s how it always comes across to me.

One final ending note, almost everyone Iā€™ve come across on here has been lovely and there are few people who cause any issues, and those issues are mostly very minor from what Iā€™ve seen. I for one wonā€™t let any bad apples spoil the bunch.


Yeah, I also donā€™t really like receiving them, sometimes I do, and maybe they are even beautiful cards, but I add them to my cards to send, as they have no personality imo


Actually, on the FAQ page of the official site, it even states (under ā€œIs Postcrossing suitable for collectors?ā€):


Not on Postcrossing, but I got an adress from a member, who wrote like: ā€œFor postcards, I like xy, xy, xy. Every card is welcomed, BUT IF YOU DONā€™T HAVE CARDS OF THESE, PLEASE SEND ME A BLANK CARD IN AN ENVELOPE!ā€
ā€œEvery card is welcomedā€? It doesnā€™t sound so lolā€¦
Sadly, the likings are very specific aswell. I will look for a nice postcard and will send it :sweat_smile:


Exactly, itā€™s why I wonā€™t send blank in an envelope. Happy to send written in an envelope if that is a personā€™s preference, but never blank.


Another thing: One of my favorite parts of Postcrossing is to look for a matching/perfect postcard.
Sometimes, I draw profiles like: ā€œHi, Iā€™m xy. I really love football, so I would love cards showing the football team of your town.ā€ or like: ā€œHi, my name is xy. I love to go hiking or go to a bar with my friends after work.ā€

First one is very specific. I would love to send a card with my towns football team, but I never saw a card like this in my country (Germany) :sweat_smile:
Second one donā€™t give me many ideas for cards. Cards showing people hiking? I didnā€™t found any cards like this. Go to a bar? Sending a card showing beer? :sweat_smile:

Edit: I finally found a card showing a football team (soccer team)! :smiley: It waits for the right member to be send :slight_smile:


Sorry, I couldnā€™t resist this card from a photo I took at a bar.


What about cards showing nature, landscapes? :slight_smile:


8h, a good idea, thanks! :smiley:

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