Hannover/Niedersachsen February Meetup, 03.02.2023 (English-Speaking friendly)

Zhello @sabithos thank you for that option that wäe can order the horse card. We both take 40 card s please when its not a problem.
Weselfee79 ( 40 cards )
Prisha ( 40 cards )
Email comes .


Could someone please order some meeting cards for me as well? Right now I’m a bit confused who wanted to design some and how they’ll look


mail is out to you :grinning:

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I would also like to join the MeetUp, but can only join in the afternoon, due to work. Please count me in if that is ok. :blush:

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Hallo @sabithos ich habe dir grade eine mail geschickt. geld solltest du schon haben .
liebe grüße
weselfee 79


Ich sehe auch gerade das es ein Freitag ist, da muss ich leider stornieren… Da muss ich leider arbeiten :cry:

I have to cancel, because i’m not at home the day before. So there is not enough time for a trip to Hanover at Friday, sorry!

Hi everyone,
a postcrossing meetup in Hannover in the very lovely „Teestübchen“!!!
I simply love this place!
As I have never been on such a meeting before, I think it is absolutely time for doing it :smiley:
Would you sign me in, please - if it is still possible?
Sonja (Meeresleuchten)

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Hallo everybody,

I’d like to join if still possible :slight_smile:

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Hi Sonja,
I think the place was changed to “Mövenpick”. There’s a more recent overview-post in the middle of this topic. :upside_down_face:

I’d love to join - unfortunately I can’t make it on a Friday afternoon :slightly_frowning_face:

It’s been years since the last time I participated in a Meetup in Hannover, maybe we could have another one in March?

Hi Lulila,
oh, I see… what a pity… but I will participate anyway :slight_smile:
See you there!

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Hi, my name is Anja (WanderingStar) and I live in the Hannover region. I really would love to join the meeting - I‘ve only read it today. Is there still the opportunity?

I’ll try to get a few hours off from work, if not possible, I‘d arrive a little later around 13:30.

This would be my first meetup, so could you please explain to me how it works exactly?


I only just read about the meetup in Hannover. I live in Switzerland now but I was born in Peine. Since I haven’t been up North in 3 years I am toying with the idea of taking this opportunity to see my family and attend the meetup. Is there a space left? If yes, can I still order some cards?
Thanks for a reply!
Meike (maikind3)

P.S. I first joined Postcrossing in 2018 and attended some meetups before.

I just read the whole topic again and find it a bit difficult to keep the eye on the right place, time and everything.
@Internet_Creep_SM Maybe it is possible to update the first post so that the participants don’t need to scroll through the whole thing to stay in tune?


yes i think also its in mövenpick kröpcke, @Internet_Creep_SM i have also write you a pm a few days ago, where i give you the information that is impossible that you have to reserve a table at kröpcke thats in the most restaurants so when you come with a group . Have you read the mail. First i couldnt order cards because i have see the meetup too late and cards was order. later i have order cards by @sabithos , thank you for that option. I make also some own meetup cards because i think its nice to have a real view also. if you need help to organize i coud help you , i organize often myself meetups in our region. please check your mailbox.
greetings weselfee79

i print this cards for my own at meeting if anyone would some have also, could write at this comment, i write you back than. one card cost 0,20 euro because the time is late i would take it than with me to the meetup. I am happy to visit Hanover at 3.02.2023. I am happy so see you all.
greetings Weselfee79

i think at meeting day i reached hanover central station at 03.02.2023 10:30 via ICE so i have some time to go postcard shopping before meetup time. i am happy to see you all

Hello everyone! I’m so happy to see so much interest for the MeetUp. Sorry for being a bit inactive this week, I had a lot of deadlines but I’m finally done and have more free time now.

To the people that asked: YES you are welcome to come! There is place for everyone! I do appreciate if you can confirm tho, so I can add you to the list and make a reservation for the right number of people. Right now our meeting place is Mövenpick Kröpcke and you don’t have to be there at 12:00, I will be there until at least 17 and some participants will also come later.
I will post the updated plans under this comment, with the current participant list.
About cards: As I understand, @sabithos ordered some personalized cards already, but @Weselfee79 is also placing an order now so if anyone wants some please contact them directly. (Hey @Weselfee79 I would also like some cards from you by the way!)

If anyone has any other questions, please send me a private message as it is easier to find. Much love to you all and I’m very excited to see you guys there!!

@Lulila @sabithos @Moonlight1978 @Klara11er @dororose @dackelerna @eriberry @inky_fingers @Weselfee79 @Prisha @Meeresleuchten @Dreamcatcherin79 @WanderingStar @Maikind3


Updated Plans (Stand 14.01.2023):

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Hannover/Niedersachsen
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Mövenpick (Georgstraße 35, 30159 Hanover)
:calendar: DATE: 03.02.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:00 - 17:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Have tea/coffee, eat some cake & sign cards!


  1. Me
  2. Sabithos (Thomas & Sabine)
  3. Lulila
  4. Moonlight1978
  5. Klara11er
  6. Dororose
  7. Dackelerna
  8. Eriberry
  9. inky_fingers
  10. Weselfee79
  11. Prisha
  12. Sonja (Meeresleuchten)
  13. Dreamcatcherin79
  14. WanderingStar
  15. Maikind3
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